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The two ended up on the floor, Sehyoons head still pressed to Byeongkwans chest as his sobs subsided. Byeongkwans makeup had ran down his cheeks a bit, doing no damage to his striking beauty.

Humming a tune he used to hum to Jun when he had to pull him out of a panic attack, Byeongkwan worked his fingers through Sehyoons hair and held him tight. Occasionally he pressed a chaste kiss to the crown of the mans head.

After a period of time, Sehyoons tears stopped. Slowly, he pulled his head up from Byeongkwans chest. Rubbing at his eyes and cheeks, Sehyoon finnaly looked at Byeongkwan. Locking eyes with the concerned camboy.

Clearing his throat, Sehyoon spoke.

"My..my father....di...died yesterday..." he choked out, voice breaking and fading as he spoke.

A wave of understanding fell on Byeongkwans face. Taking Sehyoons hands in his, he squeezed gently and stayed silent. He thought for a while and chose his words carefully.

"Why don't I take you somewhere, Sehyoon. Lets go for a drive." He spoke softly, keeping eye contact with the man in front of him. Sehyoon just nodded numbly.

Byeongkwan pushed himself off of the ground and helped Sehyoon up. Sehyoon stood still, blinking slowly. Byeongkwan smiled softly, spotting Sehyoons phone and gun on his desk. Grabbing them and the coat off of the back of a desk chair, Byeongkwan laced his fingers with Sehyoons tightly and led him out of the office.

Taking him down the hall and out of the office building, Byeongkwan unlocked his car and pulled open the passenger side door for the distraught mafia man. 

Silently, Sehyoon slipped into the car and took his things from Byeongkwan. Closing the door with a slam, Byeongkwan walked around and took his place in the drivers seat. Sliding the key into the ignition and turing the machine alive, he backed out of his parking spot and drove.

Sehyoons head rested against the cold window, eyes skirting the passing buildings and people. Byeongkwan took one of his hands and laced their fingers together tightly. Their clasped hands rested on the console, eyes focused on different things as the minutes passed.

Byeongkwan didn't know what to do or what to say, he never had a father to loose. His mother was the closest thing he had, but his loss with her was in no was comparable to Sehyoons loss of his father.

"Why'd you have to move?" Sehyoon broke the silence and the torrent of confliction in Byeongkwans head. Laughing underneath his breath, Byeongkwan began a dark and demented story.

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