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Dial tone filled his ear, mixing with his messy thoughts.

"This is Sehyoon." A deep, familiar, voice came from the other side.

"Uh....this is Byeongkwan..." Byeongkwan replied hesitantly, biting at his bottom lip.

"Hey, princess. What do you need to talk about?" The voice said, genuine with concern.

"I have some questions I want to ask you, and I want the truth no matter what. I figured it'd be easiest over the phone." Byeongkwan replied, habitually flicking a lighter.

"Can do, sweetness, fire away."

"Did you know who I was from the first time you saw me?"

A straight, flat, yes was the answer and it made something run down the red heads spine.

"Why didn't you say anything about knowing me?"

Sehyoon sighed, "Well, honestly, I was scared of how you'd react. I met you back in senior year of high school and then met you again in college. By the time we met again in college, you didn't remember me and I had gotten wrapped up in my father's business too deep to be in school all day. I had to leave pretty early into my college year, and over time I'm assuming the brief memory of me faded with time."

Byeongkwan snorted in what Sehyoon tool as amusement, "Well, I wonder how I forgot you. I'm pretty sure I've sucked you off before."

"Yeah, senior homecoming behind the trees in the field behind the stadium. I remember. Best sixty dollars I've spent in my life." Sehyoon replied, his tone light and reminiscent.

The mafia man heard a hushed 'oh god' of embarrassment, "Now I really feel bad for forgetting you."

"Its okay," Sehyoon chuckled, "honestly, I had forgotten about you until I stumbled upon your first live stream and it all came back."

Byeongkwan sighed, "Well I'll be damned, I never thought I'd ever thank Jun for getting me back into this. Guess I'll have to now."

The two talked for another hour or so, getting lost in old memories and embarrassing stories.

"Hey, one more question." Byeongkwan started, "If that's okay with you, that is."

"Of course princess."

"Are you really a part of the mafia?"

"Yes, I am. Born and raised, work for and indebted to for life. Its all I know sweetness, but I wouldn't have it any other way."

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