.1. (NEW) .1.

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It was a hot, lazy night in the busy city of Seoul.

An empty bottle of vodka was accompanied by one half full. Crushed cans of lemonade were scattered about the apartment. Light caught on the silver of aluminum that escaped the colored packaging, making them little stars on the hardwood flooring. The balcony doors were thrown open, soft cotton curtains drifting in the hot breeze. The owner had hand-stitched small, multi-colored crystals into the fragile fabric. The crystals caught the moonlight, casting the colors onto the floor so they joined the aluminum stars like a galaxy.

Drunken giggles and exaggerated laughter filled the apartment, two rowdy friends drunk in the apartment. Byeongkwan, face as red as his hair, sat on his bed in his boxers and a loose pink button up. His friend Jun was just about in the same state, except in his pants and slightly more sober than the other. Only slightly, though. Interesting ideas still can come from a mind not fully intoxicated.

"Dude, you seriously need a job."

Drunken banter turned serious, those words directed at the red haired boy.

"Oh god, don't remind me." Byeongkwan whined and slurred all at once.

He threw himself onto his back, the loose shirt rode up to reveal his fair and toned stomach.

A sudden squeal left Juns lips, jumping up from the bed he ran - surprisingly sober - over to Byeongkwans desk. Pulling open his friend's laptop he tapped in a password and pulled up a website. Turning back to his drunk friend, a triumphant look was stained on Juns face. Byeongkwan stared at him with glossy eyes, blissfully drunk and curious all at once.

"You should put your confidence and aMaZInG body to use, in a way that you wont have to leave your apartment, like the lazy fuck you are - and ya know, your situation - that somehow still amazes me despite how long I've known you."

Byeongkwan sat up straight, face still flushed.

"What are you thinking, you crazy fuck?"

A beat of silence passed between the two before Jun spoke.

"We, my dear bestie, are going to turn you into a camboy!!"

"A what!?"





A few days passed, long enough for both Byeongkwan and Jun to sober up. Despite this the idea of Byeonkwan picking up the camboy profession was still strong and soon to be made true.

"Now, let's dig through that pig-sty of a closet to find your naughty clothes!!" Jun said, all too happily.

"Naughty clothes?! What the fuck are you talking about?!"

Rolling his eyes, Jun threw open the closet doors, "Oh c'mon, I have been your friends since freshman year of high school. I've seen your clothes - hell I made half of the shirts in here."

"And I've seen yours, Park Junhee, and wow - what a mirror. Second drawer on the right, cropped and skinny and skanky galore." Byeongkwan replied lazily, throwing open the curtains letting the afternoon sun seep in.

"Oooh red! I remember her!"

Jun squealed happily, throwing the garment at his friend along with a pair of pants from his high school years. Flinching, Byeongkwan dodged the clothing items, letting them hit the window and slide down. The buttons of the pants thwacked against the glass obnoxiously.

Picking up the pants he held them to his waist, pulling a face as he spoke aloud, "I seriously doubt that these are still going to fit. I may have not grown in height, but my thighs are thicker than they were six years ago."

"Thicc boy."

"Oh shut up." Byeongkwan rolled his eyes and rid himself of the pants he was wearing, mentally preparing himself for the gymnastics it would take to get these pants on.

Shrugging, Jun pulled more crop tops out, resurrecting Byeongkwans past. Glitter and chains, cropped and tight clothing were all exhumed from deep in the residents closet. A new ghost came with every item of clothing, every sequin seemed to mirror something Byeongkwan would rather forget.

Jumping to pull on his old jeans, Byeongkwan let out a squeal as he toppled over. Jun turned around at the noise, snorting at the sight before breaking out into loud laughter.

His best friend was flat on his ass, jeans stuck around his calves, and shirt over his head.

"I still can't believe I let you convince me to do this..." Byeongkwan groaned.

Laughing, Jun slapped his friend on the shoulder, "Oh c'mon man!! You're going to thank me one day - preferably with a really expensive dinner and shopping spree."

The clicking of a keyboard filled the room, concentrated typing of an email and passwords and username. With one last click, Jun pushed himself away from the desk triumphantly.

"There you go, your account is all set up babyJ96."

"Oh my god that's a fucking horrible name." Byeongkwan groaned, dramatically flinging himself onto his bed.

Jun chuckled at his friend's dramatic antics, "Well, it's better than the automatized slutboy69 that came up."

"Ugh, why do I even try to prove a point against you."





"Now, look naughty~"

"Oh my god I hate this so much..." Byeongkwan groaned, kneeling on his bed pulling the dirtiest pose he could.

Jun had forced Byeongkwan to do his hair and makeup, pulling out his inner sexy beast. Byeongkwan couldn't remember the last time he did his makeup, it had probably been over a year. Soft glittery pink smudged with a dark brown liner, some bb cream to hide the acne scars and dark spots, and a thick layer of cherry gloss on his lips.

Putting his photography skills to use, Jun took picture after picture of his best friend pulling sexy poses and faces.

Soon, a grumpy look came upon Juns face.

"This isn't it. It's not working."

Putting down his phone, he went back over to Byeongkwans closet to dig around some more.

"Here," he threw something green at Byeongkwan, " put this on and take off your pants."

Staying silent Byeongkwan did as told, not wanting to risk souring his friend's salty mood. When Jun got this way it was best to do as he told, his mood swings could be dangerous at times and Byeongkwan knew not to push him even in the slightest.

"Your tongue piercing, you still have it, right?"

"Yep. That bitch has some very fond memories attached to it."

Nodding, Jun mumbled, "Good."

Pulling off his pants, Byeongkwan pulled on the forest green crewneck sweater that Jun threw at him. It was one from a previous, long forgotten, boyfriend that he had kept out of spite. Now, it was a treasured item of his closet, and not for the memories attached to it with the boyfriend. The shirt was perfectly oversized, creating sweater paws and fell to his knees.

"Now, stick your tongue out and look pretty!" The mischievous light was back in Juns eyes.

The red head rolled his eyes, laughing internally at his best friend's mood swings. Doing as told, Byeongkwan posed for a photo that made Jun happy. Jun did a little dance of glee before turning the camera around for Byeongkwan to view the picture.

"Now! We post it to the site and start leading people on. Then, we have to get you a nice camera and mic set-up!" Jun exclaimed, bouncing over to his friend's computer and connecting his phone through a series of cords.

Humming, Byeongkwan nodded and followed his friend. Maybe this would be fun. 

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