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Months had passed and by now Byeongkwan had a schedule revolving around his newfound job.

He would do a live show three days a week, two on the holidays, and post pictures daily.

Now that he had more of a following, he was earning some serious money off of donations on live shows and photos. Though, Byeongkwan had never done a private show. The one offer he had made had yet to be scheduled, but he had a feeling that it would be soon.

That s.h.ceo.daddy character had been donating more and more, commenting more and more, and had been direct messaging him more and more. And Byeongkwan loved it.

He loved it all.

The attention, the naughty actions and clothes, the dirty words, and the money.

All of this only reminded him more of his high school and college years, what little there is of both.

Having dropped out of college in his second year, he never had much time to really mess around. Not as much as he messed around in high school.

In high school he was that one kid who everyone called a slut or a hoe or a whore, a faggot in it for the attention.

But he didn't let that bother him.

He had the entire basketball team wrapped around his little finger, being on the dance and cheer team he was at every game.

He promised half price blowjobs if they won, full price if they lost. Many boys got a little turned on, to say the least, by him during games, those in and on the field. Every sensible girl in a thousand mile radius of the boy could tell he was gay, so they stuck to cheering him on or talking smack behind his back.

This is how he and Jun became such good friends.

The two first met freshman year of high school on the dance team. They were the only guys on it, and the only openly gay kids in the school. Thus, they stuck together like glue. People taunted and teased them from time to time, but both boys knew how to get people to do what they wanted.

Jun had swooned all of the teachers into thinking he was a good kid, despite his frequent absences or tardiness to all of his classes. What can he say though, he was making out with some boy in the back hallway and earning some cash while doing so.

And his mother said he was bad at multitasking.

Byeongkwan on the other hand, had all of the teachers hating him. He frequently broke the schools dress code, and nearly gave the conservative principal a heart attack when his English teacher sent him down for breaking the dress code again. Byeongkwan had gotten his belly button pierced for the first time and was in a loose red crop top hoodie. He swore that the principle had a vein bulging in his forehead when he entered, for the fifth time that week.

But the teachers couldn't get him under control, despite calling his mother countless times.

Byeongkwan was raised by a single mother, a sweet woman in her twenties when she had him and a loving mother now in her early forties during his high school years. His mother was fully supportive of her sons ways of expression, allowing him to dress the way he wanted and do whatever he wanted with his body. And maybe she was too much like a friend instead of a parent some may say, but to Byeongkwan she knew how to act towards him depending on the circumstances.

Byeongkwans mother was a mother to Jun and his friends, supportive and there for all of them when their parents were not.

His mother signed the papers for him to get his tongue pierced back in his junior year of high school, and his bellybutton back in freshman year.

She was his motivation to go to college, though he eventually dropped out due to his jobs conflicting with his studies. Thankfully, his mother was understanding and didn't throw a fit when he told her the news.

His mother was his motivation for everything he did, all of his confidence came from her kind and encouraging words.

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