.43. (NEW) .43.

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Four months passed without any major hitches. Members of the Jeolla-do Jaguar Triad faded back to their original posts throughout Korea. Everything was running smoothly. So smoothly to a point that it worried Sehyoon.

There was almost no outside chatter from rival gangs, not even a whisper on the wind. It was a cause for concern.

Sehyoon did his best not to let it worry him too much, but made sure that everyone knew to keep their ears and eyes open. So while everyone was on high alert, Byeongkwan and Sehyoon spent as much time together as they could.

Today, the two were up early for breakfast at Sehyoons family restaurant. Byeongkwan was humming a tune Sehyoon wasn't familiar with as the two got dressed. Byeongkwan, at this point, had made himself home at Sehyoons. He had taken over half of Sehyoons closet, claimed a whole shelf for shoes, and even cluttered his makeup on the sink counter in Sehyoons bathroom.

Many men would complain about losing their space, but Sehyoon couldn't be happier. Watching Byeongkwan move around his house like he owned it made a fog of pure contentment fall upon both his head and heart. He felt safe around the younger man and he was glad to lose the space to him.

The tune Byeongkwan was humming was bright, bringing a smile to Sehyoons lips as he watched the man bounce around lightly while he pulled on his pants from his spot against the doorframe. Sehyoons eyes followed the dark fabric as it was pulled up the expanse of Byeongkwans pale, soft, legs, effectively hiding the beautiful skin from his prying eyes.

It was a shame, really, that Byeongkwan couldn't go without pants. Byeongkwan had beautiful, well defined, legs that would make anyone melt. The faint scar that crept up from his kneecap was only visible with the light caught it, reminding Sehyoon of lighting. But when he thought about Byeongkwan going without pants, jealousy bubbled up inside and he shook the provocative thought away.

"You're stunning, you know that right?" Sehyoon said, walking over to Byeongkwan and pulling him into a hug. Byeongkwan rolled his eyes and laughed, leaning into the capo's touch.

"You flatter me beyond reason, Sehyoon." The now black haired man hummed as he leaned in to press a kiss to Sehyoons lips.

Sehyoon hummed, pulling away from Byeongkwans plush lips and rested his head against the man's forehead.

"Oh, I don't know about that princess. I don't think I flatter you enough."

Byeongkwan rolled his eyes softly before he let his makeup-free lids drop down. His shoulders went lax as he closed his eyes, fingertips still grasping at the cotton material of Sehyoons white shirt. Sehyoon followed suit, letting his eyelids drop with his forehead still pressed to Byeongkwans. He kept his hands on the soft skin of Byeongkwans sides.

The two lovers stood still, foreheads pressed together and eyes closed. The room was warm with sunlight and love. The early morning sunlight seeped in through the frosty bedroom window, illuminating both the room and the men in soft light.

Sehyoon cracked an eye open to peek at Byeongkwan, his breath catching at the beauty so close. Smiling to himself, he closed his eyes. Only moments after Sehyoon closed his eyes, Byeongkwan did the same exact thing. His warm hazel eyes pooled with tenderness as he took in the relaxed face of his lover. Closing his eyes with a smile, Byeongkwan too went back to relishing in the moment of peace.

The two went back and forth stealing glances and closing their eyes before they got caught, smiling to themselves as they did. Byeongkwan opened his eyes, letting himself stare longer than before at Sehyoons relaxed face.

From the close proximity of their faces, Byeongkwan could see every acne scar and imperfection. But he loved those imperfections. They made Sehyoon perfect. They made him more human.

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