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hello hello. wow guys! thank you for 1k! i can't believe it! thank you so so much! i love you. stay awesome my lovelies.

**Mikey's POV.***

I woke up the next morning with my arms wrapped around Luke. I yawned and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Luke's breathing was still calm and quiet so I assumed he was still asleep. I started to get up gently without making a lot of noise so I wouldn't wake him but I was tugged back down. I smirked when Luke's innocent eyes looked up and met mine. His hair wasn't quiffed up like usual, it was now laying flat across his forehead in a punk rock sort of way.

"Goodmorning." He said with a deep husky voice that made me weak at the knees.

"Hello." It came out smaller than I expected. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. Luke situated himself so that now he was laying literally on top of me and our noses were only inches apart. He smiled before leaning into to kiss my lips. Luke's lips were soft and gentle against mine. I loved it. I loved him. We sat there for awhile just kissing sweetly. I shivered beneath him which made Luke giggle into the kiss. Our lips made a noise when we pulled away. Luke moved some hair our of my eyes and pecked my lips quickly before getting up. No don't leave. Please stay. I thought to myself.

"Where are you going?"

"Hungry." Luke whined.

"For me?" I joked while sitting up and crossing my legs.

"Ha- ha. Very funny. But that wouldn't be such a bad idea. But no really I'm hungry." Luke said and started to slip his shirt off. Like I've said before, Luke's body is something else  I stared down at my lap feeling embarrassed for staring. "Wanna go get something?" I mumbled. I looked up and saw Luke, still shirtless, staring at me. I blushed.

"Sure." He smiled. I grabbed my phone and called my Mum checking in with her that I was awake and I was alright. Luke was still walking around his room looking for a shirt to wear and still bare skinned. I wanted to scream, not because I was impatient but because it was making me frustrated in that kind of way. You know.

"Luke, will you just find a shirt before we graduate please?"

"Okay okay. Hold o- Oh! found one!" Luke said and put an All Time Low shirt on. Finally.

I didn't do much to myself. I just went in the clothes I wore yesterday. I fixed my hair in Luke's bathroom and I brushed my teeth with a spare that he kept in his house for me when I slept over.

Finally I said goodbye to his mother and we hopped into my car. When we pulled onto the main roads I asked, "Where to?"

"Denny's!" Luke said excitedly. I giggled.

I drive for about fifteen to twenty minutes until we reached our destination. Luke and I walked in hand in hand and we were seated down at a table. Luke sat across from me looking at a menu. We both ordered orange juice and sipped away. Finally we ordered our food and sat together talking about nothing.

By the time our food came a different girl brought our food. The girl happened to be someone familar... Jack's girlfriend in particular. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. I felt like I might be sick.

She carried the food and didn't make eye contact with us. Luke was talking about something when I kicked him under the table. "Ow! What was that f-"

Luke stopped when he saw her. "Oh god."

I sighed. Jack's girlfriend, Eliza set down the fold out thing and set the tray of food on it. "Okay, the waffles and bacon with toa-" When she saw me she did a double take and then dropped the plate and it shattered causing me to jump and everyone else in the restaurant.

"Michael...?" She whispered. "I- I thought you were in acoma."

"I've been awake for a day." I mumbled.

"Because of you, Jack dropped out of school because he thought he drove you to suicide. Then he drumped me. If you hadn't of been a stupid freak this wouldn't have happened!" She turned around quickly and grabbed the coffee mug sitting on someone else table and threw it at me. I screamed when the scoldi g hot liquid made contact with my legs.

"Michael!" Luke yelled.

He quickly got up to help me and a manger came and had to drag Eliza away from us. They gave us our money back and gave us free pie. After I cleaned myself I drove back to my house with Luke.

Even when I try to kill myself people still hate me. I can't win.

IT'S SO SHORT IM SORRY BUT I'M BUSY AND TIRED. BUT AYYYYYE I MADE ANOTHER MUKE FANFIC I'M ALMOST 100% SURE IT'LL BE BETTER THAN THIS ONE. i need your advice. should i just delete this fanfiction or keep writing it? it's all up to you guys. please tell me I need your input. this is very important!!! PLEASE READ THIS !!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!! HEY READ THIS!!! i love you guys byeeee.

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