Make It Stop.

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update bc i love you guys & i haven't updated in a while bc i've had no internet. so hello hello. i'm watching american horror story right now because i am that swagtastic. LISTEN TO THE SONG UP THERE

*Mikey's POV.****

I woke up to the sound of my phone go off. It was an Instagram notification. I blinked and rubbed my eyes to get the sleep out of them. I grabbed my phone and clicked the Instagram icon. I smiled when I saw that Luke had liked my photo I posted last night. I giggled when I read Ashton and Calums comments. My giggle faded when I read all the negative comments that were under my picture.

faggot, emo, gay, ugly, fat, cock sucker, pussy.

I think you get the point. I locked my phone and slammed it down on my bed side table. Amazing. I though. Such a great thing to wake up to. I threw my legs over the side of my bed and managed to walk out of my room and into my bathroom. I bumped into my Dad in the hallway.

I looked at his face for just a split second and saw the hurt in his eyes.

"Son, I--"

"Shut up, Dad." I mumbled as I passed the bathroom, not even going in, and going down the hall and into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and started to take a bite out of it but threw it back in it's place. I don't need to eat. I'm fat.

"Hey, Mikey." I heard my mothers voice. I smiled half heartedly as I turned around to face her. "Aren't you gonna eat something, honey?"

I shook my head. She frowned.

"Have you talked to Luke?" My mom said as she took a sip of her coffee and sat down at the kitchen table. I sat down across from her.


"Have you tried talking to him?"

"Well of course, Mum. I'm pretty sure I broke his voicemail box from how many voicemails I left him." I rolled my eyes and huffed. She placed her hand on top of mine. "You're father and I are going out today. We have to meet up with someone."

I squinted. "Who?"

Her lips quivered as she started to speak. "Just an old family friend. You, you stay here today, alright? Will you be okay here by yourself?"

"Mum, I'm 19 years old. I'm not scared of being alone." I said which was a lie because I am terrified of being alone, but I don't think I'd ever admit it. My mom raised her eyes brows at me.

"You know why, Micheal."

"I will be fine." I said.

"Michael, It's just, you've been feeling very sad lately and I'm afraid to leave you alo--"

"I said, I will be fine. Trust me." But in all honesty, she shouldn't trust me.

"Okay. Okay. I trust you." My mum kissed my forehead and walked away.

***Luke's POV.***

"You need to talk to him, Lucas!" Calum screamed at me.

Scars // ~Muke~Where stories live. Discover now