I Love You.

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hello hello kind children how are you. good? good. well i'm shitty as fuck (((: please message me i want to make new friends. comment pLEASE. it would make me feel amazing. i love all of your guys' opinions and btw i'm really sorry i haven't updated in a few days I've been really busy trying to catch up on school work from when i was absent from being sick. plus we have no internet. at all. so i prewrite these chapters so that if i find a place with wifi i can just quickly upload it since it's already done. i love you all. please don't forget to comment, follow, and vote. don't be a ghost please. comments and votes mean alot. i love you all. Omg MICHAELS HAIR

***Mikey's POV***

I jerked up in bed and opened my eyes feeling slightly confused. I felt dizzy and light headed. I could taste my mouth that I haven't brushed in god knows how long. I tried to regain focus from waking up. Something was holding me back, it was wires hooked up to me. I quickly ripped them from my skin, I took the oxygen tube out of my nose and then swung my legs over the side of the bed, touching the cold floor with my bare feet.

I looked down and saw I was wearing a dress. I furrowed my eyebrows at the light blue clothing. Oh. I thought. It's a hospital gown. I rubbed my hands down my face and blinked a couple times. I grabbed the remote and pressed the nurse's assistance button multiple times. No body came so finally I sort of waddled to the door and put my hand on the long handle. I pushed down and the door clicked. I squinted when the lights from the hall hit my eyes. I looked from left to right.

It was quiet in the hospital. No movement. Nothing. I'm not gonna lie, the first thing to pop into my mind was The Walking Dead. I felt like Rick from the first episode in the first season. Am I in the apocalypse

"No no. Don't be stupid, Michael." I whispered to myself. I made my way down the hall passing other rooms. Finally there was a lady at a desk typing on her computer. I stumbled over my feet and put my hand on the counter. I pursed my lips and said, "I um, I called a nurse a bunch of times and no one.." I had to stop to catch my breath because some reason.. it was hard to breathe while talking. "No one.." I cleared my throat. "No one came.."

The nurse looked at me and stood up slowly wide eyed. I looked behind me to see if something had spooked her. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Scars // ~Muke~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora