Best friend.

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hello hi um i'm sorry that it took me a few fays or more to update i had writers block im v srry. ily all okok. btw im doing a character ask on my other fanfic beaten. so be sure to check that out.

*Luke's POV*

I've been friends with Michael for about a month now. Honestly I get closer and closer with the twat every single day. My mom really likes him. She's always teasing me, "Just ask the bloke to be your boyfriend already." but I still seriously dont know if Michael feels the same. I just want to make him happy. It's hard to explain, really. Sometimes Michael annoys me but at the same time I want to kiss him and tell him I love him. Do you catch my drift?

It was fourth period. I sighed as I walked into the boys locker room. It smelt like sweaty gym socks mixed with heavy ass cologne. I almost gagged. I carried my books and walked around all the lockers. Freshman boys were throwing things at each other and I rolled my eyes. Freshman. I reached up to my lock and turned it. I was in the very back of the locker alone. No one else had a locker back here. I tugged on the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head and threw it in my locker.

*Mikey's POV*

The principal changed my fucking schedule. So now I have gym class fourth period and not second period with Calum and Ashton anymore. I was nervous more than pissed because I didn't know who was gonna be in fourth period gym. I slightly shook as I walked into locker room with my head down and I walked fast trying to avoid other guys.

I walked around the corner to my locker and lifted my head to see another guy with his shirt off. I glanced for a second then had to do a double take.

"Luke?" I laughed. He let out a girly sort of sqeal and grabbed his shirt covering his bare chest. I tried not to stare but his body was honestly sexy as hell.

"Michael!" He said frantically trying to find his gym shirt. I sat my books down on the bench and snatched the shirt that he was covering his bare chest with, out of his hands. He stood with no shirt, black tight skinny jeans and I could slightly see his boxers. I tried to hide a smirk but he saw it.

"You bloke." Luke giggled and then punched me in the shoulder. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Principal changed my schedule." I said throwing my shirt off and I swear I thought I saw Luke blush. He nodded. We both finished getting into our gym clothes and walked out into the gym together. We had four classes of gym students so that meant, four gym teachers too. One of the male coaches blew the whistle. We stopped to look and listen. "Just walk for about ten minutes then we're heading over to the gym for some dodge ball." The coach said very loud. Everyone nodded and Luke smiled at me and I rolled my eyes.

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