Back to hell.

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sorry i haven't updated. i've been busy with school and personal stuff. i love you all though. keep reading my loves.

*Luke's POV.*

It's been about a week and two days since Michael has been out of acoma. It's Monday morning and I'm getting ready for school as I listen to music. Michael is coming back to school today and it's been a little over a month and a half since he's been back. I'm dying to see him though. I didn't get to see him almost all weekend because his parents, (mostly his father) said we were spending too much time together and that he need to spend time with his brother now that he's back and all.

Today I was wearing a black beanie with black skinny jeans and a grey shirt with penguins on it. I know what you're thinking. Penguins? Why penguins? Penguins are manly too, okay? Geez.

The senior prom is coming up this Friday and I still haven't had the chance to ask Michael to go with me. I wanna do it in a really cute way though. I want to do it in the best way possible because that's what Michael deserves. The best.

After I finished getting ready I jumped in my car and picked Michael up from his house. It was mainly silent through out the car ride to school. I had my left hand on the steering wheel and grasping Michael's hand with my right. As we reached the parking lot of WearView, Michael's body language became different and he shifted in his seat. I squeezed his hand in reassurance that it was going to be okay. Not to worry about anything.

We got out hand in hand walking into school. People stared and whispered things like,

"Oh my god."
"He's back."
"I thought he killed himself."
"Are they gay?"
"Aww look at them! goals!"
"Dude look, that Michael kid is alive."
"Hey his hair is a
"His hair is a blue color now."
"Luke and Michael are gay."

I tried to ignore the negative things and only focus on some of the postive things I heard people mumbling, but as us humans, pay more attention to the negativity people put out rather than the positive.

I went straight for his locker helping him take things out and put things in it getting ready for first period. I wanted to help him not only because he's still very sick and is suppost to be resting up alot, drinking lots of fluids, and eating more since of the weight he lost while in acoma. But because I enjoy helping him and being around him. It's because I love him.

"I can do it myself." Michael snapped. I stepped back and hung my head low.

"O-oh. Sorry. Fine." I crossed my arms over my chest. Michael hit his forehead onto his locker.

"Michael!" I said but all he did was hug me tight and kiss me softly. I was so confused I thought I might pull away but Michael's lips are so addicting I couldn't.

He pulled away but kept his arms around me. "What's your deal? Are you feeling alright, baby?" I said cupping his cheek with my hand.

He shook his head saying quietly and shamefully, "I forgot to take my bipolar meds this morning."

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