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so like um michael's hair. i can't keep up wiTH THIS SHIT GODDAMMIT MIKEY HOW DARE U LIKE UM
fuckin skittle ass motherfucker makin me all jaidisiciicucjsjjdjcksksi like fuck u fricker

**Luke's POV.**

We were driving for what seemed like a century. It was quiet and awkward. We drove down a long highway road with no other cars on it. The land around us was like orange ground and gravel. Almost like sand. I didn't know where we were going but I knew that Michael wanted to leave for a reason and good one at that.

The old me definitely would not be letting this shit slide but, love makes you do crazy things, my friend.

"Mikey?" I said slightly above a whisper. He didn't answer. He just continued staring out the car window with his chin in the palm of his hand like he has been doing for the past two hours. I had one hand on the steering wheel and the other in my lap. I sighed glancing over at him. "Michael." I said more harshly than expected. Michael jumped and looked at me.


"What are we doing?" I said quietly glancing over at him then back at the road. I heard him let out a sign and then he slouched in his seat.

"I don't know," He said looking out the window again. "I just- I just want to get away. The two of us," He looked over at me and smiled. "Together."

"Michael if you haven't noticed, we still have to go school. We can't just leave because something happened at home. Speaking of that, you still haven't told me what happened. I'm still clueless as to why we are even doing this. This is crazy." I mumbles the last part.

"Look, I know that we are still in school but really, who cares about school anyway? Everyone there hates us, Luke and you know it. You fucking know it. What's the point?" He shrugged. "We don't have to go back. We start a new life together."

"Michael are you on drugs?! I have family, you have family, you and I have friends. We have Ash, and Cal, and Brook. Do you even hear yourself?" I said moving my hand while talking. Michael shook his head.

"Yes I hear myself. I am not crazy. This isn't crazy. Don't you just want to live a stress free life, Luke? Don't you? I- I mean like I said why would we go back to school anyway? Everyone there hates us."

"No, Michael. Everyone there hates you." As soon as I said I knew I regretted it. The words just spilled out of my mouth. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it!

I looked over at Michael who's lips were parted slightly and his lip trembled. "Baby, I didn't mean it I swear I didn't. I was just frustrated. Mikey I love you so much, baby I-"

"Stop the car." He gritted through his teeth.

"What?" I said.

"Did I fucking stutter? I said stop the car." His voice frightened me. I've never seen him this mad. I pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. Michael opened his door and got out. I looked behind me and saw him open the back door and grab his things and throw them on his back. He started walking. I quickly and anxiously got out of the car.

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