Watch Me

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so yeah this chapter will have a lot of drama in it watch out guys.
*spins around and makes a creepy pedophile face*

**Luke's POV.**

Honestly last night was the best night ever. I made love to my one and only. My god he is the sexiest thing I have ever seen for such a shy boy. He's so innocent, you know? I love that about him. I love it.

He ended up staying over night. I rolled over and propped myself up on one elbow. I smiled at the sight of Michael sleeping peacefully. I took my free hand and pushed his fringey wild hair out of his eye. He flinched slightly and opened his eyes groggily. "Good morning, my prince. Sleep well?" I said running my fingers through his hair. he tried to open his eyes more and look around but instead let out a huge sigh and slam his face into the pillow. "FuuuuuuuuuUUUUUCK."

I furrowed my eyebrows laughing. "What is wrong with you?"

Michael lifted his head up and looked at me with a pouty mad face.

"What?" I nervously chuckled.

He only raised an eyebrow at me as if he was saying, "Really you, door dick? How can you not know?"

"My ass hurts." He gritted through his teeth, hinting to what we did the night before, before blushing and hiding his face back in the pillow. I laughed and leaned down to kiss his shoulder.

"Stawp eht." Michael mumbled into the pillow. I quickly pushed him so that he would be laying on his back. With the blanket still covering our naked bodies, I hoped on top of him straddling his hips. I smirked as I leaned down and kissed him. He pulled away quickly. I frowned at his action. "Baby."

"Morning breath." Michael said trying to keep his mouth closed as much as possible. I shrugged. "Hey, dick face. I got it too. So what? Now shut up and kiss me please?"

I leaned down kissing him softly. It was a kiss with tongue but it was full of love and it was slow. After we removed our lips from one another Michael spoke up with a smirk on his face. "So... Daddy?"

I blushed hard and his my face in the crook of his shoulder. "Oh my god, Mikey. Really?"

"Well you're the one who was making me call you Daddy last night. I just had no idea you had a daddy kink. It was just yanno... surprising to me."

I looked at him half smiling. "Okay, yeah that is probably the most embarrassing thing ever to admit that I have a daddy kink but hey-" I paused to lean down close to his ear. "It sounded fucking great coming out of your mouth."

Michael shivered beneath me. I chuckled as he pushed me off laughing too. "You're such a tease." He stated.

I laughed as I got up. Later through out the day Michael had spent with me, it mainly consisted of watching T.V and cuddling on my couch. Soon sometime around one-thirty or so I had to take Michael home. He ended up wearing my clothes home. Just a simple T-shirt and a pair of sweats. He looked adorable in my clothes no matter how many times he says that he doesn't, he does.

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