I miss you.

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*Mikey's POV*

It's been four days. Luke won't speak to me. I've called and texted him. He still sits with me in history but doesn't even act like I exists. I have spent most of my time with Ashton and Calum trying to feel better. My best friends help, don't get me wrong but I miss him. I want him. I need him.

People at school have been getting to me alot worse. I can't handle it. Am I that awful? Why do people hate me that much? I'm literally doing nothing to them. I need Luke. I want Luke. I want him so bad it's eating me alive almost.

"I miss him so much." I spoke into the phone.

"He'll talk to you again. I know he will." Ashton said. I let out a long sight and layed back in bed.

"Ashton can I tell you something?"

"Of course, mate."

"I- I think. I think I love...I think I love Luke." I said the last part more quietly than I expected.

"Yeah." Ashton chuckled. "I know."


"You twat. It's obvious. I honestly think he loves you too. You guys give each other looks I give my food before I eat."

I chuckled. "Well shit. Okay."

"Hey I'll call you later alright? I gotta go help my brother and sister with science projects. I love you mate. Promise me you won't do anything you'll regret while I'm gone?"

I sighed. "Love you too, Ash. I can't promise you anything but I'll try."

"Good enough. See ya later." And with that the line went dead. I decided to try to call Luke one more time.

ringgg...ringggg...rinngg...ringgg...ringggg....ringggg.. "hey it's Luke! sorry I couldn't get to your call but i'm simply busy. just leave a message and I'll get back you. laterrrr. BEEP

I breathed in. "Luke please. I miss you. I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry I can't handle myself. I miss you so fucking much, man. It hurts. I feel all empty inside yanno? I just." I started to cry but I sniffed and tried to make myself sound like I wasn't as hard as I could but my voice quivered. "I-i need you Luke. I'm breaking every minute without you. I'm sorry I sound so dramatic but you're really important to me. Please call me back? Or text me? I feel like I'm losing my mind." I hung up the phone and threw it to my floor.

I opened my door and went to the kitchen. Maybe some food will help? I grabbed a bag of chips and sat at the table and munched.

My Dad startled me and walked around the corner taking a seat next to me. I acted like he wasn't even there.

"Look son, we need to talk." My dad stared at me but I didn't look him in the eye or say anything.

"Michael goddamn it. Please. I just want to talk."

I sighed. "Fine." It was the first thing I've said to him in awhile. "What?"

"I just, I'm sorry for what I said to you. You're not a disappointment. I love you because you're my son. I may not like the fact that you're gat but you can't blame me. It's a sin. I was raised to believe that."

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