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*Mikey's POV*

I came home after having dinner with Luke. He drove me.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Luke said.

"Tomorrow's Saturday." I giggled.

"I know." Luke smirked. "We're hanging out, I already planned it."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. I opened up the door and got out shutting it behind me. I walked up my steps with a smile on my face. I unlocked my front door with my key and walked in to hearing arguing. I froze and shut the door as quietly as I could, but failed.

"Michael!" My Dad yelled.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath. "Yes Dad?" I said.

"Get your ass up here now!"

My heart sank to the bottom of my belly.

I ran up the stairs and into my kitchen where my Mother and Father stood. My mother had a hand on her hip and my Dad was leaning against the counter.

"Yes?" I repeated again.

"What were you doing at the boys house?" My dad spat.

"Daryl!" My Mom yelled towards my Dad.

"Shut up Karen! Jesus fucking Christ!"

"Now answer me boy!"

"I read him some of my poetry. and I had dinner with his parents." I said quietly. 

"You sure you weren't fucking him?" My Father yelled crossing his arms over his chest. My head shot straight up.

"DARYL!" My Mom yelled. "You stop it! Don't be ridiculous goddamn it!"

"Huh boy? Answer me!" My father yelled.

"Daryl Clifford you knock it off!"

"Karen! I told you not to let him go over there! We need to get our son to be straight and not some fuckin' emo gay boy!" My father yelled. I felt numb. I felt nothing, except I felt everything. If that makes since.

"There is nothing wrong with being gay!" My mom screamed.

"Bullshit! Man shall not lay with man!"

"If he wants to love a boy he can love a-"

"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Michael.." My mom said dumbstruck while my father looked pale white. They had never heard me cuss in front of them or even yell. I never yell.

"Both of you. Quit fucking fighting. First of all, I don't 'love' Luke." I said. Well I was kind of lieing and kind of not. "He's just my friend. He's straight anyways. He is very nice to me and he's funny and cool. I wasn't fucking him, Dad. If you don't like me being gay then tell me to get out. Tell me you don't love me. Tell me you're ashamed of me as a son." I spat.

"..M-Michael I- do love you, you're my son I-"

"Save it. You can't blame me for not believing a single fucking word you say. I don't believe you love me. I don't believe it and I Won't  believe it." Venom pierced with every word I said.

"I just don't like you" My Dad cringed at the word.

"Why fucking not?! I am still a person! What's the big deal? We're all human! You're judging someone by who they want to love. Sorry that I'd rather be with a guy than a girl. It's no different. Love is love, Dad."

Scars // ~Muke~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt