Don't leave me.

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please don't kill me. please. shut up and read okay. don't kill me bbies oki bi!1!1!1.

Also please note i'm very sorry if this story is triggering to any of my readers. please forgive me. stay strong I love you all. you can do it. just send me a message, and I promise I'll answer if you need someone to talk to. i'm here

**Luke's POV**

I layed on my bed thinking when I got a phone call. I picked up my phone and saw Ashton was calling me. I groaned and swiped the answer button.

"Hello?" I mumbled.


"Yeah? What?"

"Have you talked to, Mikey?" Ashton questioned.

I sighed and said quietly, "No."

"Would you just go over there and make up with him? Please? Jesus Christ Luke don't be a child. Just, - just go over to his house and surprise him or something."

I didn't respond. I stayed silent.

"Luke?" Ashton said.

I huffed. "Okay, fine. I'll go over there. Should I call him first? Should, -should I text him? I'm nervous, I- I was such a dick to him I'm worried he won't forgive me."

"Trust me." Ashton paused. "He will." I could just see him smiling. Ashton hung up the phone and I got out of bed, putting my shoes and a jacket on. I slipped my phone in my pocket and walked through my house, I grabbed my keys hanging on the hook in the kitchen. I went to the door and put my hand on the knob. I opened my mouth and said, "Mum, I'm going out for a bit. Okay? I'll be back. I love you."

My mom came walking around the corner and put a hand on her hip, smirking at me. "Going to make things right with Michael?"

I nodded. She smiled. "Good. Go. Now."

I smiled back at my Mum and hurried out the door. With in a minute I was in my car, backing out of my driveway. I'm going to make things right. I want Michael, I need Michael. God I need Michael.

I know, this is dangerous, but I got my phone out and called Michael's phone while driving. It rang and rang and I cussed under my breath. It finally went to voicemail.

"Hey it's, Michael. Sorry I couldn't get to your call. I will definitely get back to you. Leave a message. Byeeee."


"Michael? Michael it's me, Luke. Listen I understand you don't want to talk to me, I know. But I'm on my way. I want to see you. I'm so sorry. I'll see you in a few."

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