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hello guys. i'm really sorry i haven't updated. my life is really stressful right now. i know none of you care but can i just speak out to you guys for a few minutes? you can skip if you want but it would mean the world to me if you took your time to read this. anyways, so i currently live with my mom's boyfriend. it's me, my mom, my sister, my sister's boyfriend, and my pug, ellie (my puppy) we have lived here for almost three years and we need to get out. BAD. my mom's boyfriend is an awful fucked up person who has a fucked up way of thinking. he has his moments where i'm like aye he cool, but 99% of the time i wanna kick him in the balls. he's racist, homophobic, really religious, judgemental and just plan fucking rude. he is crazy. there is literally something wrong with him. we all fight all the time. he treats all of  us like shit & we just wanna get out. but not tell him. here's the thing though, my mom has really bad stomach problems. she has an ulcer. it really effects her life because she never knows when it's gonna act up. and when it acts up she literally can't do anything. so she can't get a job for the sake of her ulcer. they would most likely end up firing her cause she would end up missing work a lotwe are really tight on money. my mom only gets paid the 200 something dollars from my dad for child support. so we got on food stamps, and my mom is trying to get a housing vouture and get on disability. i end up crying a lot because i'm not old enough to get a job and help out with money and i wish i could. i just really wish I could. then the whole zayn left the band thing happened and my world came crashing down and i just.... i am literally not handling that well. and i'm really trying to get my grades up this semester as wellso i'm sorry if i don't update as much as usual. thank you all for being supportive and amazing. I love you.

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