chapter twenty-two

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I don’t know how long I sat there, maybe an hour.  Finally, I stood up and walked over to where we were supposed to have our date. I ejected the movie and grabbed the bowl of popcorn.  I trudged down to the house.

I sat the movie and the popcorn down on the kitchen table.

“Samantha, is that you?” Gina called from the living room.

“Yeah.”  I answered.

She turned on the kitchen light. “Your parents aren’t home yet, dinner is in the fridge, are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I tried to assure her.

She pulled me into a hug. “Chandler came in and went straight to his room, should I get him?”

I shook my head, “I’m just tired. I should get to bed, so we don’t miss our flight tomorrow.”

“Sweet dreams.” Gina smiled.

I slugged up the stairs. I turned and faced Chandlers door.  The lights were off.

“Night Chandler.” I mumbled.


“Samantha, wake up. Gina made breakfast for us before we leave.” Mom called from the hallway.

“I will be down then.” I threw on sweatpants and a t-shirt, while throwing the rest of my belongings in my bag.

I figured Chandler would join us for breakfast since it was our last day, but I was wrong. 

“Where is Chandler?” I asked.

“He left before we even got up. I’m sorry, he will be in trouble when he returns.” William stated.

“It’s fine, we said our goodbyes last night.”

“He left this note for you.” Gina handed me over a sticky note.

“I apologize for not being here this morning, I had some errands to run. I had a blast hanging with you these past few days. I will miss you; hopefully we can do this again. I will be in Nashville next month, we shall hang out then. Have a safe flight home.”

He says errands, but I bet he is with Hana.

“We should get going, don’t want to miss the flight.” Mom and dad helped Gina clean up as Grayson and I chatted.

“Thank you, for everything.” I hugged Gina.

“You are always welcome here.” Gina smiled.

I hopped into car. “ See you next month hopefully.”


While a boarding the plane my phone buzzed.

“Hey it’s Sam.”

Things Happen. ~Chandler Riggs~Where stories live. Discover now