chapter six

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Chandlers POV

The convention was over, we all got up and walked off stage. I glanced over, Sam was walking out the door.

"Will I ever see her again" I asked myself.

She was different. I could be myself around her. I needed to be around her.

I started to run when, "Where are you going champ." Norman asked slowing me down.

"I need to talk to someone." I started to run.

"That girl you walked in with, late." He added.

"Yes, Norman, I'll explain later." I ran out the door.

I ran into the parking lot. The parking lot was full of cars and people, how would I find her?

I walked slowly around, finally I saw her getting in a car.

"Samantha!"I yelled. She looked back and smiled.

Sam said something to her mom and shut the door. I ran over to her.

"Chandler! Whassup?" She added in this cute slang voice of hers.


Samantha's POV

What was he doing here? Dang, it was good to see him. I didn't want to leave here without saying goodbye.

"Even though we didn't really make the convention, I had a great time."I spoke up.

"Yeah, me too."

"It was a lot of fun" He added.

"Yeah, I hope we can hang out again sometime. Maybe not in a janitors closet though?"

"Definitely!"Chandler agreed

Mom beeped the horn. "I better get going."I sighed.


Chandler grabbed both of my hands. He moved his head closer to mine. Instead of rejecting, I quickly placed my lips on his.

-Sparks flew-

I pulled away. He smiled at me, I turned around, got in the car and mom drove home.

Hey guys! So they kissed! Will this be a end to the story?

Spoiler: Nope not yet.

I was trying to think of Samantha's/Sam and Chandlers ship name.I might use it in the story sometime. If you have one please comment it! I need some help!

Ill try to update soon.

Things Happen. ~Chandler Riggs~Where stories live. Discover now