chapter four

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Samantha's POV

Chandler slowly climbed up onto the boxes. The boxes slowly swayed from side to side. He moved closer to the top. When one of the boxes slipped sending all of them down. Chandler jumped and gripped his hands on the side of the air vent. His feet were dangling.

"Chandler!" I shrieked.

He swiftly pulled him self up. "I'm fine, but I told you the boxes weren't going to hold." He added

"Okay, now go before the convention is over." I commanded

"No, what about you?"

"I'll be fine, now go!" I didn't want Chandler to leave but he had to.

"I'm not leaving without you." He exclaimed.


He gave me a glare of his.

"Fine." I gave in.

"Good. Now, jump off that box up to me. I'll grab your hand and pull you up."He planned.

"Are you kidding me!"

"Come on, it will be okay. Trust me." How can I trust him. I'm not the lightest girl. I could fall, or even hurt him. But, I want to, but I don't.
Whatever, I'm doing it.

"Fine." I sighed

I climbed onto the boxes and looked up at Chandler. He had his hand out, he nodded his head and smiled.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I ran then jumped. I wasn't going to make it. I closed my eyes and waited for my body to hit the floor, but nothing. I opened my eyes and looked down, I didn't hit the floor. I looked up to see Chandler with smile on his face.

We were hand and hand. He slowly pulled me up."See. You just had to trust me"

Hey guys! How is it so far. Chandler tried to kiss Sam! But she rejected him. Things are heating up. Tell me how it is so far and if to like it.
Byee. Sorry some chapters are a little long. ✌️

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