📖What Do You Want? I'm F*cking Busy...💢

338 7 142

Full name➷

Amalric Mercia




Amal, Witch, Scorcerer, Scum, Peasant, Street Rat, Urchin, Pet, Lap Dog, Kid, and anything you decide to call him.



➶Preferred name➷



About your age


January seventh

➶Gender identification➷




➶Sexuality/Romantic orientation➷

Pansexual, female preference

>In the closet?

Absolutely 1,000,000%



>Any notes on this?


➶Spoken languages➷

English, German, and French

➶How others describe them➷

"He's... I won't lie to you, Amalric can be a jerk at times"

"He's worked hard to get where he is, whether or not he's pleasant doesn't change his dedication"

➶Personality Description➷

Amalric isn't the most friendly of people, even though his intent isn't always as malicious as it can seem. He has an air of confidence about him, even at first impressions most people can agree that he comes across as self assured in himself and his standing in most situations, even when actively put down and insulted this doesn't shake. He can come across as though he has a superiority complex when he doesn't watch his manners, which is a constant problem considering he has little to no reguard for pleasantries like watching his tone. He's resourceful, and knows how to use the opportunities and things around him to his advantage as easily as breathing to him, it's second nature to him at this point in his life. Amalric doesn't know how to rely on others, no matter how dire the situation in question may be he'll still try to do things on his own rather then entrust another person, even if he or someone else gets harmed because of it. Surprisingly, the scorcerer actually places a great emphasis on those he cares about when it comes to making priorities, and has a strong 'family first' sort of mentality. On the opposing end of that, once someone makes that spot of loved one on his list of priorities, they're symultaniously put above Amalric himself, and he'll willingly neglect his own needs in order to balance his dedication to them and his other responsibilities.

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