💌I Love You So Much It F*cking Hurts💛

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This'll be an unconventional sort of yandere, you're far more likely to cause this one harm then the other way around.

Full name➷

O'Ryan Potter




Ryan, Ray, R, Freak, Weirdo, Stalker, Psycho



➶Preferred name➷

Anything really


Your age


October seventh

➶Gender identification➷



Any, but primarily uses He/Him

➶Sexuality/Romantic orientation➷


>In the closet?

He accepts it, but he's not very public about it.



>Any notes on this?


➶Spoken languages➷


➶How others describe them➷

"He's really weird... Kinda gives me the creeps honestly"

➶Personality Description➷

O'Ryan is probably one of the most affectionate people you'll come across in your life; when he cares for people he will almost constantly show it even in seemingly insignificant ways, he adapts easily to people's prefered love languages and will specilize how he shows most of his love for them to cater to that even if he still expresses it in other ways. When it comes to his connections to people he has no sense of self-preservation, he will do quite literally anything someone he likes tells him to and will blindly believe their words even when his gut is telling him to do otherwise; he will willingly put himself into a dire situation purely in hopes of pleasing people, all they'd have to do was say the word and he would go to the ends of the earth and hell, wherever they want him to go and back. This young man is surprisingly kind and compassionate; he has a deep hatred of seeing others going through hardship regardless of how well he may know them and will rarely hesitate to step up and help in whatever way he possibly can, need someone to hold something for you real quick or someone follow you through thick and thin, regardless he'll feel the need to help. O'Ryan is desperate for any form of care to be directed towards him, and when he manages to get that type of attention he will cling to it for dear life; the smallest chance at love isn't something he can easily pass up and he'll often chase people away by accident by acting clingy and even mildly obsessive sometimes towards them when they do take the risk and try to show him some basic kindness. He's what he describes as a casual perfectionist: striving to do his absolute best without the anxiety often assosiated with most perfectionism, he has never been one to do anything half-assed and the day he doesn't put his full possible effort into something he needs to or believes in doing is the day someone should be deeply concerned about his well being, not like anyone would notice... When he puts his full effort towards something it can be crushing for him to crash and burn regardless of how much work he'd put in, as much as he does try to keep from letting these instances effect him too much when it comes to his efforts with other people failing to please someone can take a massive blow to the core of his very being; he just struggles to accept that a lot of people will just never like him and that regardless of how hard he tries he can't guarentee that there'll be a payoff.

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