🎋Music Crosses All Boundaries, Even Life And Death🎶

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Full name➷



I dunno- plz help-


Ru, Ruru, he's been called snowflake once before...


People started calling him The Piper at some point. He earned this name since he has a tendency to just start wandering down random streets at night and play his flute, following where ever the strongest sadness leads him. When he does this children have left their houses to stand on the steps and watch him go by, a few even follow him and he has to bring them back home before morning.

➶Preferred name➷

Minoru, Ru if he likes you.


Unknown, but he is young as far as his kind goes.


January ninth

➶Gender identification➷


➶Sexuality/Romantic orientation➷


>In the closet?

Technically not



>Any notes on this?

Less a fox god and more like a fox spirit, falling under the same category but being less powerful.

➶Spoken languages➷

English, and Japanese

➶How others describe them➷


➶Personality Traits➷

Unforgiving(towards himself),
Immature at times,
Uses humor to cope,
Easily distracted,
Doesn't show his true self much,
Has yet to find an off switch,

➶Personality Description➷

I dun wanna...

Minoru is the kind of person who is always trying to better themself in some way, aspiring to do and be better than they may have once thought possible, this goal to be a good person dictates quite a few of his actions if not all of them and keeps him determined to reach his goal. Less fortunately this drive to improve does have its cost as life has its ups and downs, as when he fails to live up to his own expectations he often beats himself up for it to the point of being unable to forgive honest mistakes, something that can spiral out of control if not dealt with properly. The kitsune is a rather life filled person most of the time in the sense of he's always doing something to keep himself busy, whether this be doing an activity of some kind of just walking around aimlessly it seemed that he never runs low on energy. When I say Minoru never seems to run out of energy, I mean that he doesn't ever stop moving when when hos body had reached the point of exhaustion and the only way he'll sleep is to be knocked unconscious. The kitsune is a rather friendly individual, never shying away from conversation unless the topic is that NSFW and happily going up to even strangers without hesitation even if no one else would speak to that person, this hits its peak with kids as he will immediately speak to any that he senses are unhappy or are even just interested in him. Unfortunatly he can be quite clumsy, and I don't mean in the physical bumping into things kind of way as he is actually rather graceful in this reguard, I mean that it isn't uncommon for him to embarrass himself by stumbling over words or talking too much when he gets excited.

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