Chapter 02 | I don't know him (but he does)

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"Let go." Joanne demanded with a straight face, and Cory complied. "Babe? You don't even know me and who do you think you are, wrapping your arm around me like that?"

Cory smirked. "Joanne, you can't just dump me on someone else. I'm your problem and so if you do have anything to change about this-" he gestured between them. "-then you're gonna have to talk to me first."

Okay, this guy is way in over his head. How does he even know my name? He doesn't seem like a creepy stalker dude, or is he?

Joanne took a step, then another till she could feel Cory's breath - with a slight trace of mint - all over her face. "How do you know my name? And that's by the way, why are you acting so casual like we know each other?"

Eyes twinkling with mischief, Cory bent to whisper in her ear. "Joanne Gyles, nineteen, lactose intolerant, anxiety, might want to watch how you talk to me."

Affirmative. He is a creepy stalker dude. But that doesn't help the fact that he keeps talking down to me. He is so rude.

Slowly everyone started showing interest in their conversation and the not-so-subtle glares Joanne received were enough to make her feel like shrinking away and disappearing from the surface of the earth. Hastily, Joanne dragged Cory to a less crowded place.

"So that's that, are we doing it at my place or yours?"

"Do what?" Joanne asked moving back, Cory raised a brow. "Oh the project, the library of course. I mean where else are we going to find the tons of books that we need." He raised both his brows this time. "What?" she asked irritated.

"You're either really dumb, or you don't pay attention in class." It was her turn to raise a brow now. "We're doing it during the break and that's in two days time so decide already."

There was absolutely no way she was going to his house to do - anything. Who knew what he'd to her if she was in the same place with him - with hopefully not - nobody around?

Cory was already showing signs of not being normal, why risk going to his house and probably get nailed to a cross or any of the other awful scenarios that played themselves in her head. Her house was the safest bet but then she'd have to deal with Chloe and then there was Emily.

"Or we can do it at my place." Cory suggested.

"Nope, we're doing it at my place. Today's Friday so be there by Monday, it'd be better to do it early and forget about it." Joanne turned to leave.

"Your number."

She stopped dead in her tracks.

"I need it so I can call and ask for directions. I'm not familiar with the roads here, it's been a year but I still miss my way every time." Cory admitted, his cheeks burning a bright red.

"That's what Google is for." Joanne said impatiently.

"The gps system in my car doesn't really have that function, and the one on my phone is trash." Cory brought out his phone.

Joanne looked at him for a second. Cory's explanation didn't make any sense. Joanne swore he had an ulterior motive for wanting her number but Joanne also - an impatient being - wanted to get back to the dorms as soon as possible so she typed it in and turned to leave.

"I'll call you."

Joanne finally reached the dorm. After minutes of pausing on the road to take deep breaths and tiring slow walks along the roadside. Joanne sluggishly slid the keys in. Looking around there still wasn't any trace of Pat. Joanne panicked at the thought of something bad having happened to her roomate.

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