Day 100

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~ Day 100 ~

~ 1 / 01 / 2013 ~

OMG! The 100th day  of this journal is the first day of the new year!!! That's actually so weird - some freaky coincidence  haha :D

On that note, HAPPY 2013! Happy New Year seems too mainstream, hahaha.

So I was supposed to update yesterday, but of course I forgot, so I figured today will do.

My weigh-in yesterday morning measured me at...

89.8 KILOS!!

That's 1.9 kilos lost in 1 week!

I can't tell you how amazing the progress feels - I worked SO hard every day of last week to lose the weight, and the results show my hard work!

I'm going to the park everyday, and doing 20 laps a day! If I miss out laps one day, I do what I missed out on the next day.

But it's only happened once so far - my brother fell off his skateboard and hurt himself, and I'd only done 14 laps, so the next day I did 26 (believe me, I felt like I was dying).

My eating is going okay; I've had 2 'bread days' so far where I binge on bread - yeah, I know, what's wrong with me - but then I keep challenging myself to make better food choices the next day, which really helps. 

Thank you so much guys for sticking with me through this journey - as of yesterday I've only lost 6.8 kilos since the start of my weight loss journey, but you know what?

At least I've lost some weight. I'm getting off the couch, and doing hard work, and now that I'm doing it EVERY day, I KNOW I'm going to start seeing bigger results. 

I have also decided that every Monday will be weigh-in day, which makes me want to work harder every week.

And to the people that have sent me hatemail?

Watch me fly :)

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