Day 30

141 5 5

~ Day 30 ~

~ 23 / 10 / 2012 ~

Well, for some reason I weighed 91 this morning, which really annoyed me because yesterday I weighed in at 90.4.

Weight fluctulates guys, so don't lose hope, or stop exercising. It could be muscle, or food still left in your digestive system, stuff like that.


In other news; it's my  birthday in 4 days, and my aim is to be in the 80 kilo range by then. It will be a HUGE achievement for me, but absolutely worth it!

And can I just add, journaling online every day is really amazing - it is an incredible feeling knowing not only that I am losing weight, but that I can inspire others to lose weight.


I'll update either on my birthday, or sooner :)


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