Day 153

101 3 1

~ Day 153 ~

~ 23 / 02 / 2013 ~

So I've put on weight since our last 'weigh-in' - 1.3 kilos. 

I know, I know!! I feel so ashamed. I now weigh in at 86.8, instead of 85.5 kilos. 

But at least I know why - I've eaten SO unhealthily the last 2 weeks, and it's showing. 

I've said yes to bad foods a lot more than I have said no, and so I'm paying for it. That handful of chips, that sweet dessert - every little calorie counts people. 

I'm paying for it the hard way, but I'm not letting it get me down. I've managed to lose this much, and I'm going to keep going. 

New inspiration, however, to add to going to America; I'm going to a ONE DIRECTION CONCERT on October 26, the day before my 17th!!! 

Because of these reasons, and all the other reasons I want to lose weight, I've had to remind myself that I can only lose weight if I really, really want to, from the bottom of my heart. 

Then I realized that if I want to lose weight that badly, I am the ONLY one in control, and every piece of food I eat will contribute to losing - or gaining - weight.

I guess I needed a reality check - I'll be back in about 2 weeks to check in my weight, and see if I've lost more by then :)

Thanks so much for the encouragement guys - remember, it's not over if you put weight back on. Just remember that in order for you to have REGAIN the weight, you did LOSE it. SO KEEP ON BEING STRONG. 


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