Day 28

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~ Day 28 ~

~ 21 / 10 / 2012 ~

So I still weigh the same as when I updated a few days ago - the difference? 

It has been exactly 4 weeks since I started! One month... crazy!!

I have been doing so, so crap the last few days, to be honest with everyone who is reading this. Last night we went out with some friends and I had pizza... and soft drink. I know that's not bad, but I feel like I'm giving in, and I don't want to give in! 

I haven't exercised the last 2 days, but as soon as I get home from church I'm going to do it STRAIGHT AWAY.

"Make exercise part of your life, like any other habit; brushing your teeth, having a shower, etc. Don't even think about it, just do it!"

I love that ^! I need to follow my own advice :/

The reason for these confessions is so everyone knows that I'm not perfect, I have my own weak days, and my strong days - but that's no reason to give up!!!

"Don't give yourself reasons why you can't, give yourself reasons why you CAN!!"

Good luck <3 and stay strong!!

A heavy burden; a true story.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt