Chapter 26: On The Edge Of A Roof

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Todoroki's P.O.V

I drove off in the van and went to the one spot I know Denki goes when he's upset. It was were I first saw him before I kidnapped him. It would have been so easy to grab him in that moment but I couldn't help but feel like that spot should stay as the one place nothing bad happens. It was almost like it was his one spot where everything was okay and I wasn't about to take that from him.

I drove all the way to the worst part of town, and parked outside the tallest building. Taking the fire escape up I went to the roof and there he was, looking out at the city lights of the night.

"Are you really going to avoid everyone and waist away up here forever?" I asked and sat next to him. He looked to me and in the little light that was here I saw his eyes were red and puffy.

"Of course you know about this place." He chuckled a bit. "You were a bit of a stalker so it shouldn't surprise me." I couldn't help but have a smile on my face as well.

"Everyone worried about you." I said carefully and he turned away from me. Leaning onto the wall with his head on his folded arms.

"I know," he said but didn't seem to care all that much.

"Shinsou's the worst," I said and I watched him slid down onto his knees like he was hiding.

"H-He hates me doesn't he?" His voice shook a bit but he didn't look up at me. I went down on my knees as well and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Why would he hate you?"

"Because he clearly knows who Monoma is and the fact that I know him is a dead giveaway of what type of person I used to be-"

"The things you did are not who you are." I said, cutting him off. "You were by yourself in the world and did what you had to just to make it to the next day. And if that meant taking a sketch job I'm positive others would have done it."

"How do you know that?" He grumbled.

"Because I know you. You're kind, caring, and chaotic. What you did does not reflect who you are now. And if Shinsou can't see how great you are then he's not worth your time. But he does not hate you. He's scared for you right now and wants to be by your side." He slowly looked up at me and I saw new tears falling from his cheek. And he just sat down, looking at the floor beneath him.

I took a moment to see what he looked like and he looked pale and a bit thinner. If he's been up here for three days not moving then I doubt he's had enough to eat or drink.

"I'm going to get you food. You can either come with or you can stay up here a bit longer by yourself while I go get it. But by the end of the night we're going to go see the others, okay?" I said sternly and he relaxed his shoulders.

"I'll go with you." He said. I stood up and held out my hand for him to grab. Then we both made our way down the fire escape and to the van.

Once in the car, I looked to him and saw he had this far off look.

"You know it's not your fault, right?" I said, guessing on what still had him so upset. "Monoma keeps holding it over your head because he knows it's an easy way to manipulate you." I said referring to what I heard was said.

"It doesn't matter what he says. It doesn't change that all I do with my quirk is hurt the people I care about. I almost killed Shinsou once and then I shocked him again, what if I hit him again? What if I do kill him just like-"

"What happened with your sister isn't going to happen to Shinsou." I said stopping him before he could spiral down any farther. "That was an accident at the worst possible moment. You're not like that. You have a better understanding for you quirk now then you used it. When you shocked Shinsou a few weeks ago you were trying to save him and you did. You saved him! And that last shock blearily hurt him." I looked over to him quickly, still driving.

"How do you know it won't happen again?!" He shouted getting more emotional. "There is no way to tell if there will be another accident at the worst moment! I might have more control but obviously that's not enough!"

"If it's not enough then I'll work with you on it! I will help you till you have enough control and your confident in that control!" I yelled back at him and I saw out of the corner of my eye that he shrunk a bit in his chair.

"Maybe it's better if I just stay away from people again." My eye twitched a bit and I pulled the car over abruptly so I could look him in the eyes.

"Look at me," I said and rudely dragged his face to look at me. "You finally have a happy life! You have friends that care for you and a boyfriend that's waiting to see you! I'm not letting you fall back into that horrid life you had before! I know you don't want to lose anyone and you're afraid of hurting others. But you're hurting Shinsou right now because he has no clue where you are and he looks a lot more tired then usual. Do you remember when I sent Midoriya away because I didn't want him to be hurt? He was unhappy the whole time and he still got hurt. Don't be stupid and give up what you have because of a 'what if' situation." I said and he was crying again. I let go of his face as a sob raked through his whole body.

I knew there wasn't much else left to say and Kami needed to taken in my words so I drove off and went to go get him food.

I left him in the car while I grabbed what I knew was his favorite and a milkshake. When I got in the car I handed it to him and he seemed to be a lot calmer.

"Thank you, for everything." He said and I felt myself relax a bit.

"That's what friends are for." I said and drove back to Kiri's place. The ride was silent except for Kami who was happily, or as happy as he could be, munching on his food.

But the time we made it to the apartment all he had left was his milkshake and he would not put it down so there was a constant slurp noise. We walked up the stairs and I heard the unmistakable scream of Bakuogo.

"You went to go beat the shit out of him and you didn't bring me with you?!?" He yelled.

"You're supposed to be in hiding dumbass!" Kiri yelled as I opened the door to see everyone was now at the apartment surrounding Shinsou, who's face was now bruised.

"Oh my god!" Denki yelled and dropped the milkshake. As soon as Shinsou's eyes landed and Kaminari he was standing and wrapped his arms around him, holding him tight.

No sneak peek today but uh, yeah here's the chapter at lest!!! Your welcome!!

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