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(Oeehh!!! This is a long chapter. 3919 words! What am I talking about. I always write in advance. I've got 5 drafted chapters after this one and whenever I finish one, I publish one. So there's like always a few drafts in between the chapters that I write and that I publish... if that makes sense. Anyways, look forward to the chapter I just finished! 5000 words in 1 day! WOOOOW! *Applauding for myself here.* 

I'm being weird again, lol! Anyways, enjoy! <3 )

Jungkook's P.O.V:

I woke up to Taehyung turning and mumbling in his sleep. I turn around and face him. He was frowning unconsciously and sweating. Nightmare. I noticed that Taehyung often suffered from nightmares. I turn the night lamp on and move some strands of wet hair away from Taehyung's face.

It must be from what happened and the shot wound.

I remembered Hoseok's warning right before we left;

"After a gunshot wound, it is normal to have many strong and unexpected feelings, like shock, fear, depression, blame and anger. But keep in mind that there may also be
General sense of anxiety and fear about his safety,
recurring thoughts or nightmares about this evening,
trouble sleeping or changes in appetite,
feeling depressed, sad or low in energy,
irritable or easily upset or
feeling the need to avoid activities, places or people that remind him of this evening."

And at that very moment, Taehyung woke up, gasping and taking my wrist with his hand suddenly. I startle. "Taehyung, are you okay?" I ask. His face grimaced in pain. "My arm." He only said before sitting up in bed.

Before I did or said anything, I checked his forehead, making sure he didn't had a fever.

I take his arm into my hands and kiss it softly. "I like that gesture, but it still hurts." Taehyung said between gritted teeth. "You should go take a painkiller then." I say. Taehyung nodded and got out of bed. I quickly followed him.

I found Taehyung gulping down a glass of water. I took his arm into my hands again and start taking the bandage off. "What are you doing?" Taehyung asked. "Just, let me look." I say. I took the bandage off and revealed a swollen wound.

"Do you think that's supposed to be this way?" Taehyung panted. "I got shot once too, but Hoseok never had to take the bullet out." I told him. "Let's just see what happens tomorrow. Maybe this is just from the treatment or anaesthetics."

Taehyung nodded. I felt bad for him. When I was younger and Hangseon trained me, I would continuously get shot. I didn't want that to happen to Taehyung. We went upstairs again and lied down in bed. I hugged him tightly, trying to make him feel safe and comfortable.

Taehyung quickly fell asleep again, but I couldn't. I couldn't sleep. I wasn't tired anymore. So until I fell asleep, I quietly listened to Taehyung's soft snores.

Taehyung's P.O.V:

I woke up due to Jungkook moving. I turn around. "Kook, you up?" I ask sleepily. "Yeah, I am. How are you feeling?" He asked while lying down again and hugging me tightly.

"Fine." I say. Jungkook kissed my cheek. "Your morning voice is hot." He said. I opened my eyes and look at him. We stared into each other's eyes for a good 10 seconds before I pecked Jungkook's lips.

Jungkook and I got out of bed and walked downstairs. Jungkook started making scrambled eggs as I joined him in the kitchen. "How's your arm?" He asked. "It hurts." I say.

Jungkook turned around with the box of painkillers and gave them to me, while he filled a glass of water.

I took one painkiller out. "Thanks." I say while taking the glass out of Jungkook's hand.

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