Turned [Prologe]

825 23 19

August 29, 2005

Pete's POV

" Come on guys," I tease, "stop being such babies. It's just a standard hunt." I smile looking around at everyone. Joe punches my arm a little too hard. "Ow." I say, play looking hurt.

"Pete, do I really have to be bait this time?" Andy mumbles staring at the wood floor. "I was last time. Suck it up buttercup. It's you and EJ's turn." She retorts slapping him upside the head. "But.."

"But nothing." Patrick says sounding kind of pissed. "If you would rather go with Joe I get it." EJ says trying to keep everyone calm. "Pete stop laughing." Devin snaps. "Let's just go. Hurley you're going with EJ that's it." I finish running toward the door.  "I'm driving!" I add.  

Joe's sigh is audible from outside and I smirk. I start the car as soon as I get in. A few minutes pass and I don't know whether to be worried or annoyed. "Stop taking so long!" I shout hoping I'll be heard. A few seconds later the door opens with Devin's head popping out. "No." she retorts. "It'll be sunset before we get there!"

"One more minute!"

With that she retreats back into the house. I begin to feel antsy. I  turn on the radio  and I immediately know who drove the car last. Not only because of the song, Dear Prudence by The Beatles, but also how quiet it is. I'm pretty sure the only person with somewhat decent hearing is EJ. A full five minutes later, everyone makes it to the car. I wait for Devin to get in to change the music to Metallica.

We have a very strict, driver picks the music rule, but I like to abuse it just to annoy people. She sits down in shotgun and the first thing she says is, "Are you kidding me? Do you listen to anything else?" I smile and drive off.

"Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts her cakehole."

"You did not just quote Supernatural!"

"Yes, I did."

"No. That's not allowed."

"Says who?"


"Doesn't count."

"Shut up! Nobody cares! Just  let him listen to Metallica!" EJ yells from the backseat clearly annoyed by our childish banter. "Okay mom."  Devin replies sarcastically. I hear Patrick quietly mumble a thank you along with Andy and Joe. "I'm thinking we should revise the driver picks the music rule." Joe suggests. "Definitely." Patrick agrees.

"Awe. You guys are no fun." I whine. "Aren't  any fun, Pete." EJ corrects. Everyone laughs. "Ooo singe." Devin says smirking, happy for a little payback.

Due to my speeding we get to the town overlook in a few minutes.  Patrick always complains that I'm "driving hazard" but I see it as we always get there with a few minutes to spare. This is a vampire hotspot. Couples came here more than I thought really necessary because it was 'romantic.' Whatever works for some people I guess, but you'd think they'd catch on that a lot of people die when they go on dates here. I don't know, I think a movie would suffice. The stupidity of people will never cease to amaze me.

I help EJ and Andy hide the weapons in the front of the car in case the vampires decide to get brave. "You guys ready?" Patrick asks. I nod walking toward Joe. "Yeah, we're good." Andy confirms getting in the car. "Good luck." Patrick says with a wink. I cough to hide a laugh at his hypocrisy.

He liked Devin. Like, like, like. Not just you know, like. But like. You know, I will get them to go on a date if it's the last thing I do. They would be cute. Joe and his girlfriend are adorable. I'm proud to say I set them up. Look at me, a little match maker.

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