Chapter 10 Control

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10-16-05 1:32 am

Brendon's pov

I picked up Jasmine's innate body, ignoring Pete huddled in the corner and a frantic Joe who couldn't decide whether to help his friend or try to hurt me. She was barely breathing. I knew I had to make the change quickly or she would be dead for sure. A small part of me thought it wasn't worth the effort. She had given us what we needed, now she was just another liability. Pity won, so I walked her out of the room and bit her wrist. I took her to Gerard and left to go deal with Pete and Joe.

I entered the room silently, it took awhile for Joe to notice. "You knew he would." Joe looked back, "Didn't you?" I nodded. "Pretty much."

"And you were willing to sacrifice Jasmine."

"She betrayed you. Why are you sympathizing with her?"

"Because she's human. And we tend to make mistakes."

He turned back around to Pete, trying to wake him up. "What do we gain from this?" he asked quietly. "Honestly, I was thinking about giving up hunting awhile ago. You know, before Pete. Yeah, you guys pretty much derailed my life by killing my family, but, hey. That's life and it sucks. This isn't about revenge anymore. I don't know what it is. All I know is people..people are dying, and it's my fault. I couldn't save Pete, or Jasmine." He sighed and shook his head. "I'm not even in control of my own life. How did I think I would be able to help others?"

Speechless, I kneeled down next to him. Pete shivered and took a deep intake of breath. "What happens now?" Joe asked. "I don't know why I'm even talking to you. I guess I do that when I'm scared." I couldn't figure Joe out. He was never one I worried about. He was always in the back, never drawing attention to himself. I always looked over him, but that was my mistake. He was one of the beating hearts of the 16 candles. A wave of sympathy washed over me.

"Go." I said. "We'll take care of him. We'll leave you alone." He looked at me curiously. "What do you mean?" He subconsciously protectively moved closer to Pete. "I'm letting you go." Unsure of what to do with this information he stood still. "And leave Pete? I'm sorry, that's not going to happen."

"Earlier you said that you aren't in control of your life. I'm giving you the option to save yours. You're in complete control of this situation. Leave, go to your 16 candles. Your girlfriend. Finish the battle with dignity." Joe stood up and dusted himself off. "This isn't even a battle. We aren't soldiers fighting a war. This is.." I stared at him silently. I tuned into his thoughts and watched his mind debate, coming to the conclusion of leaving. "Okay, but one thing. Would you mind leaving so I can wait for Pete to wake up." I nodded solemnly and left quickly to find William, who would be less than pleased.

Joe's POV

"I'm sorry." I told the sleeping Pete. "I'm so, sorry. I can't say this is what you would want because even I know you aren't that selfless. You would want someone here to remind you of what to fight for. Well, I don't even know what I'm fighting for. I don't know if you can hear me, but... stay Pete, okay? Don't do anything Pete the person wouldn't do. Human or vampire, you are still the same person. Fight this. We are going to get you back. We'll cure you. And this will be over soon. We love you. Don't start blaming yourself. Keep a straight face. Keep fighting." I didn't think I would have the guts to say that when I knew for sure he was awake, but the spoken words lifted a weight off my chest. They made me think perhaps I actually made a difference.

I got up, refusing to look back, and made my way out of the God- forsaken building, ignoring all of the looks from passer-by vampires. I caught a bus and took a seat with no one in it. I watched the quiet city go by. The city oblivious to the secret battles that are the only reason most of them aren't dead. The sun was shining, and oddly enough the weather was decent. Chicago wasn't called the Windy City for nothing.

The bus dropped me off a few blocks from the house. The walk back was silent, but not in my head. I was scared of their reactions when I got back. Would they be relieved? Angry? Indifferent? It felt easier to let myself believe they were going to be furious with me for leaving Pete behind. Why would they be relieved? It was hard to feel important amongst them. I was just an extra. When the house was in my line of sight I sprinted toward it. Angry or not, they were still my family, and those four walls was the closest thing I have had for a home in a while.

The back door was open, so I let myself in. I didn't want to scare them by just dropping by, but it was still my house too. I called out a hello, but there was no response. The house was empty. I couldn't imagine where they could be. I called out again. Still the house just resonated silence. I walked to me and Andy's room, shared with the lab. I was worn out from everything and felt the bed calling for me. I grabbed a change of more comfortable clothes and took a shower.

Andy left my phone on the charger, so I sent the group message a text letting them know I was home, but no further details. I grabbed a secret pack of cigarettes from my desk side drawer and walked outside. I lit up the stick and let nicotine take over and calm my nerves. A few drags later I was done. The shaky engine of the Impala pulled into the driveway. Before the others made it inside I snuck back into my room and collapsed on the bed, falling asleep almost instantaneously.

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