Chapter 16 A Little Less 16 Candles A Little More "Fight Me" Part 2

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This chapter is going to be a bit darker than usual; please stay safe darlings.

10-27-05 5:49 PM

( --- location change ~~~time change italics- flashback)

*Third Person*

"I can't do this. Oh my God. I can't." Devin gripped the girl by her shoulders and leaned over so they were face to face. "Breathe." She commanded. Tears streamed from her eyes as she drew in a few shaky breaths. "Devin, I can't- I- I-" Devin stood at her full height, looked around the empty room, and sighed. "Alayna for God's sake!" With the use of her first name AJ looked up with a startled look in her eyes. "Listen to me, nobody is home yet. You have half an hour to get it together. We need you."

Devin watched her with an unrelenting stare, hoping for the words to sink in. "O-okay." Devin felt the air slip out of her lungs in pure relief at that simple word. "Now we need to get you ready. You're not going to fool any vampire looking like that. AJ looked down at her sweatpants, mismatched socks and old Harry Potter shirt, grimacing at the sight. "I suppose you are right. I'm sorry Devin." AJ said solemnly, but very heartfelt. Devin clapped AJ's shoulder reassuringly. "It's fine, now let's go."


"Where the hell is she?" Joe asked, rubbing his hands together for warmth. "It's fucking freezing out here." Joe watched as his breath rolled from his lips as he spoke; like a dragon blowing smoke. "She'll be here in a minute." Patrick said for the fifth time in ten minutes. He was growing tired of Joe's impatience, but understood where the guy was coming from. It was freezing. When they left it was forty degrees and had only dropped since then. "You said she's be here in a minute half an hour ago." Joe whined.

Andy was off in his own head, thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong tonight and that could have already happened. EJ just went into the church to get more holy water, how long did that take? Surely not this long. His natural tendency to worry was beginning to take over the better part of his thoughts. "Guys." He said in his naturally soft voice. "I'm going in to check on her." He walked away before anyone could protest to his irrational actions.

Upon entering the chapel Andy heard hushed voices. "EJ, are you okay?" Andy called. The voices stopped for a moment and then EJ replied, "Yes, thank you. I'll be out in a minute. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting." Andy scrunched his eyebrows unsure of whether that meant he was supposed to leave. Curiosity edged it's way and got the better of Andy's normally reasonable judgement. He stayed and listened.

"Don't be a stranger EJ, and when you get Pete back I'd be happy to start our meetings again." said the masculine voice of the pastor. "Thank you, Fathwe. Good night." EJ walked down the main isle between the pew carrying two milk jugs full of water. "I'm so sorry for keeping you guys waiting." EJ apologized. Andy responded as anyone else in their group would and smiled. "It's not a problem. It just got chilly outside. Do you need any help with those?" Andy pointed to the gallons of holy water behind plastic.

"No." EJ looked past Andy's head and then added quickly. "Thank you." EJ felt the guilt of snapping at Andy sinking in, but she didn't have time for it. EJ began walking toward the exit, side by side with Andy. As soon as they were in talking distance EJ was bombarded with question she didn't feel like answering. So, she didn't.


"There." Devin brushed a piece of lint off of AJ's black T-shirt. "That should be good. The clothes you're going to change into are in your bag, right?" Devin felt like home in the big sister position. She took pride in her role transition. "Yeah, along with a bottle of holy water, and two inscribed knives." AJ pointed to the book bag on the dining room table.

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