Chapter 4 Go

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Authors note; sorry for the missed updates. I went to Maine for two weeks and it was absolutely beautiful  so I didn't want to spend my time behind a screen. I'm making sure this will be at least double the length of a regular chapter. Also, a lot more cussing than usual, just be aware. Thanks and Enjoy.

October 6, 2005 12:05

Jasmine's POV [this will make sense in minute]

"It's not safe to go out alone at this time of night. It's almost midnight and actually even if I went with you it wouldn't be safe." Taniel warned. "The one time you try to be the responsible on." I said as I shrugged my shoulders indifferently. I wonder when she would figure out I didn't care and will do it anyway. "For someone so smart, you really are an idiot." I feigned offense and then smirked. "There's  difference between disregard for safety and intelligence. Besides, wouldn't that make me an American Idiot?" I asked. "Smart ass." she muttered clearing up her books. "Could I at least drive you." she pleaded. "Nah, I'm good T. I'm trying to reduce my carbon foot print. See you tomorrow." I said walking out the door of her apartment and into the Chicago streets.

It was nice to feel the night time chill. It's been so damn hot lately that I was hapyy autumn was finally setting in. I zipped up my gray hoodie, pulled the hood over my head and put an earbud in my left ear. Maybe Taniel was right, for once. She was so fucking irresponsible that I didn't usually bother with her warnings. I flashback to the night she had a party and then her warning passed even farther out of my mind.

Vampires didn't scare me. Nothing really did. Whenever I tell people that they think I'm bragging, or just joking, but no. I probably should be scared of them. My self preservation skills need some work. Seriously Jasmine. I turned up my music just to make this walk a little easier.

Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman. Maybe he won't find out what I know. You where the last good thing about this part of town. I really liked this band, Fall Out Boy, this girl in my class showed me. They were different, but in a good way. According to her they were coming out with a new album soon. It bugged me that I coudn't remember her name. It's funny, how easily names could elude you.

Despite the music my mind wandered back to my paper I was writing earlier. What if you could turn a vampire back to a human? I've done some research in folklore and the internet and it seems possible. I just wish there was a way for me to test it out. I don't have a vampire, and I don't have any ingredients.  There is probably something wrong with me for thinking like this. Actually there probably is something wrong with me but I could care less. 

When I reached the alley I had to stop a minute and think about what I was going to do. Should I go the back way? I mean, taking the alley would be shorter. Common sense screamed just take the safe-er way. I pulled out a coin and flipped. Heads, alley, tails, sidewalk. I flipped and caught it midair. Alley it is then.

I  turned the corner and froze. 'You are an idiot!', My mind screamed. The one time I choose to take the back way there are freaking vampires beating up some guy in a red hoodie. Okay, this okay. I can work with this.  My breath hitched in my throat and I made a little noise  against my will. All eyes were locked on me, even the guy who they had been beating. "Son of a- shit." Turn around Jasmine. Turn around, run, don't look back. I took a few steps back, pretending I wasn't there and was just slowly slipping away into the darkness. I debated turning my back to them or not. Nope, that's not happening. I took another step back, only this time bumping into someone. "Goddamnit I can't catch a break today." I said a little louder then I meant to.

Jasmine, don't you dare look back. Don't do it. Don't-  I looked back and saw a really tall vampire with a smile that showed off his fangs. "Damnit." I said extremely frustrated. "Well, this couldn't have worked out better." he said happily. "Well, yeah it could have." I replied. The vampire looked taken aback. Most people probably don't answer back. I really need to learn to shut my mouth.  I felt myself being dragged by my arms toward the red hoodie guy, who was being restrained by two other vampires. Poor guy.

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