It's Chapter 23, It's Time For A Wedding

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October 25, 2013


"Out, out, out. No, Charlie, it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding." I shooed her out the door and locked it behind me. EJ was laughing hysterically, but she was trying to mask the nerves showing through in spasms of shakes. I had to remind myself this was typical bride, and EJ behavior. I grabbed out my make-up palate  and began organizing in order of shade and composition.

"I thought we weren't going to use make-up." I plugged in the curling iron into the wall, and ignored the stressful vibes EJ was putting off in excess.  EJ kept glancing nervously at the dress hanging up on the door, but tried to be inconspicuous about it, which only made it worse. "Stop. You're embarrassing me."

She took a few deep breaths, and seemed to calm down a bit. "Alright, eyes closed." I shook up a bottle of foundation that matched her pale complexion and then applied it to her face with a blue sponge. "EJ, did you forget to wash your face?" She shook her head, but I could tell she was lying. The T-zone of her face was an oil slick.

I finished off the cover-up with a matching powder. "It's a fall themed wedding, so let's go with golden-brown eye shadow, black mascara, and eyeliner. You have red cheeks already, but maybe a little blush just because." She wasn't really comprehending my rambling. EJ's idea of make up was mascara and half assed eyeliner, so whatever I was saying probably didn't make much sense. "Play some music, please." EJ asked.

I moved away and pulled out my phone. I put my music on shuffle and the first song that played was "Bootylicious." That was my luck. I shrugged my shoulders and kept it on,  going back to work on my cousin's face. To my surprise she was singing along. "Eej, are you kidding me? Keep your face straight, and look up." I put on the eyeliner with a steady hand, and then the mascara. EJ kept giggling every time the chorus came around, and I smeared the eyeliner on her left eye.

I started the eye over again with a frustrated sigh. "Stay still, child." I backed away after meticulously fixing up the mistake. With a contented sigh I nodded my head at my work. "How's it look?" she asked. "Perfect." I replied confidently.

I moved on to the hair, not wasting time for chit chat. I didn't have to ask if she was excited, or nervous, because I knew every emotion that could be felt was brewing inside her in anticipation for the next few hours. I untied the pony tail around her pony tail and watched the brown hair fall to just below her shoulder. She'd been growing it out for the last year so I could actually do something cool with it. Not that I had enough talent to manage something super cool, but it would be better than her normal  pony tail or flat ironed hair.

I put up one third of the hair a bun and curled the bottom layer, careful not to burn her neck or my fingers. Flat iron burns hurt like a bitch. Someone knocked at the door. Assuming it was Charlie again I yelled for them to go away.

"Why are you trying to send away the maid of honor?" I recognized the voice a split second after EJ. "Devin get in here." EJ said.

Devin walked in, dressed in a flowy brown dress and black hair curled, looking stunning. "Eej, you look amazing!" she complimented. EJ smiled and if possible her cheeks tinted even more red. "Thanks Trippy." I never understood that nickname, so I took the chance to ask.

EJ kind of just evilly laughed. "It originated in high school. One day some girl, I forget her name, gave Devin these mints, little did she know they were laced with acid. So, for the rest of the day she was laughing like a maniac, and tripping over everything. Henceforth the name Trippy." I stared at Devin in disbelief.

"You were stupid enough to eat acid laced mints?" I asked. Devin covered her face with her hands and shook with laughter. "They were good!" I didn't feel as bad about the weed now.

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