Chapter 12 Nightmare

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10- 20- 05 9:07 PM

Brendon's POV

"Stop!" Pete screamed from the corner of the room, where he was huddled, knees pressed to his chest. "You're lying! I know you are!" I watched as the tears washed over his face, and as he shook his head furiously, the black hair covering his eyes. "They never cared, Pete." The words burned my throat like acid. He was so broken already. I fought back the grimace, keeping a straight face, and continued. " Why would they? Why would Joe leave if he cared? Why wouldn't they have tried to break you out if they cared? They don't, Pete. I saw into their minds. They were all just waiting for you to leave!" I have watched him dream this exact scene every night. It was his worst nightmare, and I was making it a reality.

I walked over slowly and I could hear his stifled sobs, breaking free into tragic wails. "You are a vampire now. They do not want you back. They never will." I kneeled down next to him. He was in so much pain. It was hurting me because I knew I was responsible. You do what you must to survive, I reminded myself. And in this case, had to break Pete, so William wouldn't kill me. "myfaultmyfaultmyfaultmyfault." Pete muttered to himself, over and over, until the words became undistinguishable. 'No', I thought, 'My fault.'

I pulled him up off the floor, without explanation. "Pete, I'm sorry." He looked even smaller than usual, the full change had not served him well. He wiped his face roughly with his hoodie sleeves, leaving his cheeks a deep shade of rose. "It's okay. It's the truth anyway." He was withering away from his refusal to eat. "Let's go. I think Mikey ordered pizza." I watched his reaction carefully, hoping for anything out of him what so ever, but there was nothing, not even a smile, or a glimmer of happiness reflecting in his eyes. His shoulders remained slouched and he refused to look up from the floor.

I guided him, wordlessly, out of his room and to the main room where everyone was gathered, except William. Pete took the empty seat next to Mikey Way. I watched as Pete stared at him and I couldn't place Pete's expression when he looked at the younger blonde boy. If I wasn't mistaken, I'd almost call it.. no.. I brushed away that thought as quickly as it came, but I couldn't help but think that they were a bit cute. Mikey smiled and offered Pete a slice of pizza and they began talking, though I didn't listen to about what, probably unicorns or something.

I took a spot next to Keegan, her relaxing presence seeping into my mood and calming me down. "Are you okay, Beebo?" she asked sweetly. I shook my head. The mindless chatter of everyone else was enough to make our conversation go unheard. "It was horrible." I set my head on her lap, and she began playing with my hair, softly twirling the strands between her fingers. "I just feel like an awful person for telling him that stuff. Even though it wasn't what I wanted to do, but I still was the one who said it." She hummed softly, mumbling little words of comfort, that made the little dark hole I felt so often dissipate.

"Does Jasmine look jealous to you?" Keegan questioned, as she scanned the room. My eyes landed on the isolated blonde girl, sitting in the corner with a scowl permanently residing on her mouth. "Yes, and quite angry." I had a sneaking suspicion that Jasmine was rather infatuated with Pete. She stared at him whenever they were in the same room, and the scowl she was wearing now appeared when he was with anyone else. Without even looking into her mind I could see it.

"Gerard looks less than pleased as well." I noted the sulking brother of Mikey's sour expression that only seemed to fade when he was with Frank. I turned my head so I was looking up at Keegan. "Who knew there was so much underlying romance and drama in Pretty. Odd and Sweet Revenge?" She smirked. "Well, being immortal and all, we have to find entertainment somehow."

The room went silent as the door creaked and William entered. I could feel his eyes glaze over me as he searched the room. "Pete?" He asked loudly, so he didn't have to say it again. Pete craned his head toward him, but didn't move, or say anything. "Follow me." I watched anxiously to see what he would do. I hoped he would just listen, for his sake. Pete didn't budge. His dark eyes were set in a dead stare toward William. "I will say this once again. Follow me."

Mikey leaned over and whispered something into Pete's ear. Anger flashed like lightning in William's eyes, but he didn't say anything. Pete slowly rose from the sofa, distrustfully walked over, and stopped in front of the taller vampire. "Next time," He said menacingly, "you will come when I ask the first time and without the assistance of Mr. Way." If William's words or demeanor intimidated Pete in the slightest it didn't show. Pete just stared back at him looking slightly bored.

They left the room moments later, leaving me with a sinking feeling. Would William punish him for not listening? I shuddered from the vague memory that passed through my thoughts. I could faintly feel the pain across my entire self and pushed the thought away. That was the problem with William. He doesn't just want you to feel like death itself in the moment, but for the rest of your life, whenever you even think about it. I still get night terrors from the memories of William alone with me, and I always wake up bumbling 'I'm sorry' on the verge of tears.

Pete couldn't handle that yet. Or perhaps ever. Keegan felt my body shaking and wrapped her arms around me, in an attempt to console my anguished thoughts. "Do you think he will be okay?" I asked, knowing we had all been through William's one on one. "He'll be okay." she replied, in a not reassuring enough tone.

I lost track of time I lay there on her lap, relaxing into her touch. After listening to Gerard and Mikey's conversation  for awhile, the buzzing of my cell phone caught my attention.  I reached into my pocket and grabbed it, without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" I asked.

"Is he okay?" Patrick asked. I sighed, "Better now." Pete's scream in the distance distracted me. I immediately hung up the phone and fell into a state of panic. Shit, what if he heard that? I got up and ran out of the room, following William's voice. I entered his room, forbidden unless granted access by William himself, but I couldn't fathom what I saw.

Hey guys, girls, and everything in between, hope you enjoyed and there should be a new chapter up this weekend. Love you all and hope you're well.


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