Chapter 21 For Good

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November 12, 2005 11:58 PM

Joe's POV

We thought it would be a good idea to go out for a night. Fresh air, socialization, and stuff. AJ wanted some time with EJ, the bonding thing family does and stuff. So, when Brendon invited us out to some hole in the wall, some idiot thought it would be a great idea. I'm not going to name that idiot, but it probably was me. And I was beginning to regret it.

Brendon was walking around in 4" heels because he lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt. I couldn't figure out what that bet was, but I'm almost positive Brendon just wanted to walk around in heels.  The loud electronic music pumped through the speakers straight to my skull, and despite not even being intoxicated everything was a bit of a blur. Brendon was a funny drunk though. Andy counted how many beers or other alcoholic beverages he had ingested, and according to him he should've dropped dead from alcohol poisoning an hour ago.

The other three had gone MIA, but if I were to guess Patrick hasn't left Devin's side, and Pete was in the middle of the big crowd on the dance floor. "Can we go yet?" Andy shouted over the music. "Sadly, no." I promised Andy I'd stay sober, so he'd have company. Even though the stories of him watching us all drunk were immensely entertaining. I wasn't a really happy camper.

"Found Pete." He tried to say, but all I heard was the syllable "P", so I assumed he meant the restroom. "Can't help you there." I replied. "What?" He yelled over obviously confused. "Didn't you say you had to pee?" He laughed a bit and then clarified. "No, I said I found Pete." He pointed over my shoulder.

Pete appeared by my shoulder. "Le- ind- oth- oo." It took me moment, but I put together two and two and assumed he wanted to fins Patrick and Devin and get out if here. I couldn't have agreed more, but finding the pair would be a challenge in the overcrowded, dark room. "Have you any idea where they could be?" Andy asked. Pete shrugged his shoulders, and I scanned the room.

"What is he doing?" I asked referring to Brendon. The attention of the entire bar was on the very tall man child in heels fighting over the karaoke microphone with some other guy. "I don't know, but we'd better get out of here before he starts a fight." Pete reasoned. "Split up, and meet at the entrance in ten." Andy shooed us away and slipped into the crowd. I went in the opposite direction toward the back.

They were nowhere in sight, but something else did catch my eye; Alex. Thank God Devin wasn't anywhere in sight. Perhaps it was just a coincidence, but the universe was rarely so lazy. Perhaps it was hunter instincts, or a very low level of self preservation skills, but I really wanted to talk to her. She spotted me the moment I noticed her. She stared at me fiercely, a stubborn anger burning in her cold features. 

I walked over confidently, a slight bounce in my step. "Hey." I greeted. She looked at me cooly, obviously unamused. "What do you want?" She snapped. Happy one she was. "Why are you here?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and sighed in a bit of an over exaggerated manner. "No, I'm not here because of you idiots." There was something different from when Devin called me an idiot then when she did it. Devin always did it with a smile, or with a tinge of sarcasm. Alex didn't.

"Drunk humans are easy prey." She stated. That was the reason I hated vampires. They had no respect for life, except for their own. "Even though those drunk humans have a family? The prey as you call it, have lives and people that care about them?" Alex laughed and crossed her arms, avoiding eye contact with me at all costs. "Is this supposed to make me feel bad? I'm a vampire. I hunt humans, so I live. Any remorse for the human that was in the wrong place at the wrong time gets me nowhere." 

I don't reply. I can't even fathom her mindset. "Do you even remember what it was like to be human?" I saw Andy walking toward us. "No. All I remember are people walking over me and treating me like nothing. I see this as revenge." I extended my hand to her. "Okay." She stared at me, eyes scrunched and eyebrows knitted, in confusion. "I understand where you're coming from, even though I don't approve of your methods. That's why I hunt, and I can't judge someone who does almost the same thing as me."

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