Chapter 25 Home [Epilogue]

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August 13, 2015

Pete's POV

There should've been something poetic about all of this. The summer sun shining down brightly as our cars pulled into the paved driveway, a familiar woman hunched over gardening in the front of the house, and two children running about the yard yelling and squealing loudly.. It looked like a scene right out of a Hallmark movie. I couldn't really find anything particularly poetic about it honestly, but it was just one of those moments that filled you up. It made all of those empty unused parts of you suddenly reel into action because of the positive energy flowing through the area.

Who knows? I was probably just high. Even though I hadn't intentionally been around drugs in awhile...

One of the kids I recognized as Lilly, the other, smaller with shaggy black hair falling in his eyes,  was chasing being chased by the young girl incessantly.  "I'm gonna get you!" Lilly yelled in between laughs. The boy spotted us and bolted behind Joe, probably because he was the tallest. "Milo that's cheating!" If Lilly was aware of our presence she made no sign to acknowledge it.

For the first time I got a good look at the boy and he was even smaller than I first thought. He peeked his head out from behind Joe.  "I'm not cheating!"

"Are you two fighting again?" EJ asked calmly, wiping the dirt on her jean skirt as she walked down to the end of the driveway. "Lilly started it!" Milo quickly pointed his finger casting the blame toward Lilly. Joe looked down at the boy with an approving grin. "In the name of all things good in the world." EJ sighed sweeping Lilly in her arms with some difficulty. She had grown several inches since the last time we had encountered.

Before giving us a traditional welcome EJ immediately said, "Pete Wentz what did you do to your hair? It's more pink than Lilly's tutu!" Laughter erupted from everyone, and a grin spread across my lips. "Hello to you too." I pulled her into a quick embrace and the rest of the formalities followed with many hugs, smiles, and playful scolding.

Charlie met and welcomed us on the patio looking cheerful as ever. Unlike EJ, her outward appearance remained constant. The only thing I could note different from two years ago was freckles splotching her nose and cheeks from the rays of UV light that were stronger in the summer. "Is that Frank Sinatra I hear in the background?" Patrick asked with a pique of interest. I've never known EJ to listen to him, and Charlie, who was a rising DJ in EDM, did not seem to be the kind of girl to like vocal jazz.

"Yes." EJ confirmed without elaboration, which is where Charlie stepped in. "Brendon stopped by and left a CD as a gift." I laughed aloud for no reason, and it earned me a few stares from the people around me. "Sorry," I mumbled, "It's just nice he's been around. I haven't heard from the bastard for awhile." At the use of "bastard" EJ perked up and shot me a look. "There are children." She added pertinently.

"Anyway," Charlie continued, "Milo loves Brendon. It's actually really funny." I took a second to picture Brendon and Milo going back at forth at each other, trying to make the other laugh. "Anybody want drinks?" EJ asked. Of course we did. Who did she think she was hosting? "Hey babe can you get Milo up here to introduce himself." EJ requested, obviously to Charlie because who else would be addressed as "babe".

"Oh God, you guys are gonna love him." Charlie called out to the yard and Milo came running back with Lilly trailing behind him, not wanting to be left out of the action. Pretending that she didn't already know Devin asked, "What's your name?" She didn't say it in that patronizing voice adults reserved for younger children, but like she was talking to a close friend. She would make a great mother one day. I wouldn't dare speak this notion out loud, but as I watched her speak to Milo so gently, yet with respect, I couldn't shake the thought.

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