Chapter 6 Betrayal

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October 6, 2005 12:30 a.m.

Jasmine's POV

I walked back to the alley, vengeful and angery [sorry]. Was I going home? Hell no! "Brendon!" I yelled. "I have something you might want to hear!" I waited a few seconds and then, like magic, he appeared behind me. "For awhile I thought you were brave, but now I'm sure you just have a death wish." I turned around, "Not a death wish, per say."

"What do you want?" He asked. I smiled and pulled out my phone. "If I may ask, do you know where their base is?" His face contorted. "Who's?" he asked playing dumb. I typed in a few things and showed him the new found address. "Oh, you know. The 16 Candles."

 "How do you find that?" he asked angrily.

"Gotta love the Internet." He smirked happily. "Well, well, well." He stared at the screen a little longer. "Why? What would possess you to help the bad guys?" He had a point. They murdered innocent people everyday, but, you have to eat somehow right? Then again sometimes they took out thieves, murderers and other low-lifes that even the cops couldn't get. "I think it depends on who's point of view you look at it from. They kill you and your kind because you're 'monsters', but what does that make them? Just so you know, they're going home now and they're getting out of town later tonight. "

"We need someone like you on our side. Smart, deductive, and... you can make a very good argument. What do you say?" I felt confused for a second, what did he mean about putting up an argument? I came to the conclusion of mind reading.  I searched his face for any sign of trickery. "Wait, I know you have power over the mind, how do I know you aren't doing anything right now to make me say yes?" His eyes lit up in surprise. "How-" Before he could finish the question I interjected, "Patrick has a website that tells about the current vampires they are fighting. I checked it out before I called you."

"I guess you will just have to trust me then."

I held out my hand and he shook it smiling. "I trust no one." His hands were freezing and wrapped around my hand in an unrelenting grip. "Smart."

"Care to join me for a walk? There are some things you should know."

I shrugged my shoulders and trailed behind him slowly. "How do I know you aren't going to kill me?" Brendon turned to me and his face was very seriousd.  "No. Of course, I could, but I like you. And I see you being very useful."

I ignored his odd way of talking. It wasn't something I felt worth bringing up. But why in the world would he like me? For God's sake, I head butted him within five minutes of knowing him.

"I don't want to be a vampire...yet." I said confidently, like I had a say in the matter. I bet Pete didn't have a choice in the matter. A pang of guilt hit me in the gut. I basically doomed them all. Pete basically saved my life. I shut my conscience up. This battle between The 16 Candles and the vampires was going to be never-ending. I made myself a catalyst to get things rolling. Besides, it had to be boring as fuck the whole living forever thing. No wonder Brendon tortured the 16 Candles. The poor fucker is probably bored off his ass.

"That is understandable and, in this case, okay. In fact, I have a feeling once William hears my plan he will not find it necessary to turn you yet either."  Brendon explained.

I could already tell he was the type of guy who just liked to hear himself talk. Eh, I've dated way worse. The fact he already had a plan was amazing. The fact I was a part of it was terrifying.

"Who's William?" I asked casually hiding my need for answers. "Oh, that's right, I forgot nobody knows about him. He is..for lack of better words, our leader, he was the one who turned Gerard and myself, even though we do all the dirty work. He only comes out when absolutely necessary. And before you ask Gerard is my vampire brother. Gerard turned his real brother Mikey, and then the rest of his cult, Ray, Frank, and Bob."

I nodded like I understood but in all honesty I was having trouble remembering all of these names. "Don't worry, you'll have time to get them all down." Brendon reassured, reading my thoughts again. That was something I wasn't going to get used to. Most of my life is spent in my head. What am I going to do if one of the vampires pisses me off and keep my sarcastic remark in my head. Do all vampires read minds? I sure hope not, because that would end horribly for me.

"No, not all vampires read minds, just me." I sighed in relief. "Where are we going?" I felt annoying with all my questions. He and his world of vampires made me feel confused. I hated it. With any luck I could regain my care free, sarcastic attitude soon.

"I'm taking you to our hideout. We refer to it as the den, for future reference." Hopefully, my roommate wouldn't take my disappearance to seriously. Nah, she'll probably think I got lucky for once. I can figure everything else out later. Tomorrow I can tell her some lie to cover me for awhile. "Do you mind if I speed this trip up?" I shrugged my shoulders.

He picked me up, like I didn't weigh anything and took off running. The buildings and dark streets around me became a blur of yellowish street lights.

It all stopped a few seconds later. When he set me back on my feet I almost collapsed. It took a second for my stomach to catch up. My nausea stopped and I took in my surroundings. We stood in front of what looked like and old abandoned church. "Vampires hiding in a church? What about the holy water and crucifixes?" I remarked sarcastically. "Just so you know, crucifixes do not have any effect. Holy water, however hurts like a bitch, not lethal, but ow."

This was good to know. Brendon motioned for me to go in. I walked in with Brendon close behind. "Where have you been, Brendon?" someone yelled. Everyone's eyes were on me. "Isn't that the-" a guy with long black hair asked. "Yes. She has proven herself indispensable. May I see your phone?" Brendon turned to me with his hand open.

I grabbed my phone and pulled up the address again, assuming that's what he wanted. "Thank you." He turned back to the vampires, "The address of the 16 Candles." Everyone looked surprised. I took the time of them talking to see what everyone looked like. I deduced the ones in black and red clothing were with Gerard, seeing Brendon was wearing some vintage crap.

"Let's go now to see if she's right, but not attack we need a better plan." Brendon suggested. "Mikey go tell William what Gerard and I are doing. Take care of Jasmine." The one with long black hair followed Brendon, so that was Gerard. Mikey walked out of the room.

"Do you want some pizza?" a guy with extremely curly hair asked. "I'm not sharing my pizza!" the short one shouted childishly. "Frank, no." Ray sighed.  Frank grabbed the box of pizza on the table and took off running. "Sorry, about him. I'm Ray."


I learned everyone's name and their basic personality. Frank eventually gave the pizza back. Out of Brendon's group Ryan seemed the most friendly. It's amazing how much more friendly vampires could be compared to humans. "Cheez whiz!" Ryan shouted for the millionth time. I didn't understand what it meant but it was funny.

The laughter died down when Gerard and Brendon arrived. "You were right. We got there just as they were leaving. Devin is still sick and according to EJ's thoughts they are headed to Ohio. Jasmine I think it's time I told you my plan." Brendon explained. "But first, what do you guys think of her."

"She's funny." Ray chimed. "She stole my pizza." Frank whined. "She's an absolutely horrible person and I hate her." Spencer said sarcastically.

"Cheez whiz!"

Hope this adds something. I don't know what, but hopefully something. I'll try to update more regularly.

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