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Iera's P.O.V

Another day, another shift.

I was so exhausted these few days and having lesser time to rest make it all worsen. Slamming my locker shut, I felt myself freshen up after I changed out of that awful green uniform. I always thought that if one day I decided to resign, just so you know it might be because of that uniform.

"What the fuck?" I cursed under my breath before quickly hide behind the wall right after my eyes caught the sight of Hye In strolling in front of the supermarket. Judging by how she was just standing there playing with her phone, there's a 100 percent chances that she was waiting for me.

Taking out my wallet, I groaned as I look down at my nicely packed cash. "That brat really put my pay day in her reminder or what? How does she knows?" putting the wallet into my back, I continue mumbling "I need to escape now."

Sneakily using the back door, I hold my breath as my palm clamped against my mouth. This is a matter between life and death; I can never get caught.

Fortunately for me, Hye In was never as observant as her brother and escaping from her is something I can do with my eyes closed. Quickly ran to the nearest bank, I deposited 70% of my salary into my secret account that no one has a clue of.

I purposely asked my manager to pay me with cash instead of transferring it right into my bank account only because I don't want any of my family knew I have a bank account. Wishful thinking, I saved most of my salary in the secret account dreaming of the day I finally get to leave that hell of a house.

I checked the balance in my bank account and smile proudly to myself. After all those years of hard saving, I was left with all these money. 

Leaving a small amount of money back in my wallet, I fastened my steps before dashing to where my sister was. She will come and take the money sooner or later, so I didn't see the point of avoiding her just to let the money taken later on.

The second she saw me, she closed the gap between us and grabbed my tote bag harshly. She then flipped the bag over and threw all the things in my bag out onto the ground. I felt my heart breaking at the sound of my favorite compact powder shattering on the ground.

"Do you have to be that dramatic and threw everything out?" I annoyingly asked with a frown on my forehead.

"Do you think I would let my hands roam in that dirty bag of yours? Ew, no way." She complained, hands grabbing my wallet on the floor. 

"Take that and go bring it to oppa. He called home and asked me to pass it to you. In return, you don't have to cook for dinner. He'll buy food." She said, pouting to the paper bag beside her. That must be Hyun Jin spare clothes which means he's not coming home for the next two days.

'What a great news!'

"Why don't you give him yourself?"

"You're his whore, you go bring it to him." She mocked, fingers unzipping my wallet. I was struggling to breath as I hold my laughter back when I watched the expression on her face as she counted the bills in my wallet.

"Where all your money goes?" 

"Uhmm..It's actually-"

"You bitch, where did you hide all your money?" She questioned, her pitch heightened, almost shouting to me.

"Hyun Jin take it."

"Why would Oppa takes your money?" She frowned in confusion and my hands sweating nervously. I can't really come up with good excuses and Hyun Jin is the only excuse I could think of.

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