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"I am Xiao Jungkook, The Angel of Death and I am here to collect your soul. I summoned you, Iera Lee to leave your body for once and for all."

She opens her eyes as soon as the world turned black.

Her whole body feels hot and sweats dripping off her forehead to her chin. Sitting up from her laying position, she looks around only to realize she was still in the same hell she's been living for the past 10 years.

"It was just a fucking dream." She says in annoyance, ruffling her hairs harshly only to notice it was tied up in a half ponytail with a red ribbon around it.

Every time she falls asleep she will always trapped in the same dream, repeatedly.

'Always the same fucking Angel.'  she thinks in rage.

"How long will you take, you idiot ?"  She hears a whispering voice on the roof of her cave ; though she prefers to call it her bedroom, and decides to check up on it.

Grabbing the black, long loose outer robe of hers, she then flips it onto her body before fastening it up with a red belt. Looking up the roof, she hears several not-so-quiet movements from the pranksters above.

Tae Hyung is crouching on top of the cave as he tries to peeks into it from the small hole to make sure the person inside is still sleeping, yet he can't see really well from just a very small hole he could barely pocked. Lucas scratches his hair out of habits before he looks back to the explosive product he just made. Contemplating on whether it is save to try here or not.

Both of the Devils sneakily climb onto one of the cave and setting up the bomb in an effort to experiment the successful rate of the item and Iera just has to be the chosen one.

"Wait a moment, I think if I just do it like this --" His voice trails as he summons a flame from his fingers and step backwards, pulling Tae Hyung with him. After making sure they are at a safe distance, he immediately throws some fire onto the item which without a doubt lead to an explosion that produces a really loud, deafening sound.

"WHAT THE FUCK ?" A female voice roaring from inside of the cave, annoyed at the fact that her bedroom just bombed and ruined. Her hands are on her waist as she glares at the now big hole on top of her cave, small stones and sands pouring down.

Two familiar faces peek from the hole as they greet her with a very wide smile plaster on each faces. "Wake up, Iera !" They say in unison before burst into a set of laughter.

"Are you serious ?" She asks, crouching down to the ground as she picks up the small stones and throw it violently at the two laughing Devils.

Lucas, "Hey, hey. Be careful !"

"Aim properly, is that really what you learnt for the past 10 years ?" Tae Hyung comments, jumping down from the roof and skillfully avoid the flying stones.

"You- just you wait, you little piece of shit !"

"Wow, she cursed with a new word ! Lucas, take note !"

Iera can feels her patience running low and even before she can grabs her sword to teach the two a lesson, Xiao Zhan has already stepped into the cave with the other 3 Arch Devils following from behind. 

"It's always the two of you." Tae Hyung and Lucas high-fives each other at the statement, taking it as a compliment. 

Tae Yong, "What a way to wake her up !"

"If you ever pull this shit on me, you won't be able to wake up to another day." Kento threatens before taking a seat on the rock she called bed.

Iera glares at the two in annoyance and when Xiao Zhan sees the killing expression on her face, he lets out a small chuckle before approaching her. Putting his arm around her, he passes the black sword of hers and smiles knowingly, as if encourages her to do something with it.

The Angel Of Death Has Fallen For HerWhere stories live. Discover now