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Iera's P.O.V

Lightning struck the sky in an angry loud crack as the heavy winds blowing, taking several things flying by as well. The weather was fine just a minute ago yet as soon as I began striding down the road, it started to rain cat and dog.

Finding shelter under the bus stop's roof, I decided to wait there until the weather calmed down. Judging by the heavy winds, I knew it wasn't safe here either but right now, I don't feel like playing with the rain.

Humming random song to myself, I looked up to the sky and watched as the thunders rumble one after another. "Who the fuck is in a bad mood today that the weather almost turned into a fucking hurricane ?" I mumbled before a figure suddenly appeared next to me and I almost pissed myself at the sudden interruptions.

The Angel stood there in silence, face grimmer than usual as he stared out at the weather, almost looking proud of what he created. Judging by the hard expression he had on, I don't need to ask who hijacked the weather anymore. A hundred percent it must be him.

"Who pissed in your food, Angel ?" I asked and he glared at me in an instant. Seeing his reaction, I can't help myself as I cracked a set of big laughter before holding my stomach to soothe the stinging pain.

"Why are you so pissed off ?" I asked in between my laughter before continue, "Look at me, drenched in the rain all because of you." I pointed out and his eyes shifted to my damp clothes.

"Whoever made you mad, really got you all angry seeing that you don't even care what happened to your huma-" Even before I had the chance to get the word out of my lips, he has already hold his palm out to me and in a blink of an eye, I turned dry as if I haven't been under the rain minutes ago. 

"Damn !" I whispered, standing up on my feet as I twirled around to check on myself. 

"This is so cool !"

Angel doesn't bother to spare me another glance and my exclamation doesn't take him away from what disturbing him either. Even with his neat attire and incomparable appearance, I noticed how messy he looks today. 

Thinking quietly to myself, I suddenly got a brilliant ideas. "Okay !" I exclaimed, attracting little of his attention before went ahead of myself and grabbed his hand.

The Angel was flustered by my sudden advances and even with his eyes wide-open staring back at me, I ignored his startled figure and pulled him closer. Before he finally comes to realization, he has already began running in the rain along with me.

"This is ridiculous !" He shouted, trying to overcome the loud sound of thunders yet I only pulled him harder and chuckled at how his perfection finally destroyed under the harshness of rains. 

We both continued running despite drowning in the heavy rain, stepping on small puddles here and there- The Angel almost whined at how dirty his robes has become, until we arrived at my front door.

I bent down as I gasp to catch a breath while giggling as I turned to look at The Angel's current state. "You look ridiculous !" I commented, laughing. The Angel doesn't look even a tiny bit exhausted to compare with me but the dirt on his robes almost screaming like he's been swimming in mud pool. 

"YOU-" He started as he let go of my hand yet I quickly cut him off with a finger on my lips. 

"Do it again."

"Do what ?"

"The thing with your hand. Do it again and dry us off." I urged and he threw a dissatisfied glare in my way yet he still did it anyways. With a lazy brush of his hand, we both turned absolutely dry and clean. I beamed in excitement as he hissed in annoyance.

The Angel Of Death Has Fallen For HerWhere stories live. Discover now