Affable Talk

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(At Dancetale)

(Shattered's pov)

             Me and Hate have decided to bring chaos to the multiverse.We actually need to recurit more people to make this possible but as we already know Hate is very stubborn to talk about this.And I don't really want to discuss with.The only reason why I'm still interacting with him is because we have the same goal.
             I can just recruit other villian sanses.However,after what happen in the villian sans universe some of the creaters especially OURS make sure that it doesn't happen again!How stupid!What's more,my so called brother,Nightmare(NB.from his timeline) is just too weak to handle this.
            *smirks*He can't even turn back to his corrupted form and help me out.At least he is not useless.He's been emitting a lot of Negativity through his depression stage.

(Cross's pov)

           This is a total chaos in Mafiatale.I could hear all those cryings,screaming and shoutings of monsters.This is no other like genocidal kills of AU.These sans,Hate and another version of Dream,they are not killing them.They are toturing those innocent monsters Brutally and Ruthlessly.We must stop this disaster.
             They just get stronger and stronger as the time goes by.The negativity feelings that they got from all those monsters were strong and never seem to fade away.The thing is we are also emitting a lot of negative feelings for them to feed on.It would be very easy to capture and kill them if Error could just grab their souls.But unfortunately he said that he couldn't sense them.
              Although Killer and Blue has joined the fight.We still have no chance.Dream's positivity is weak now as he has been feeling sorrow and guilt upon his brother's disappearence.If we can't win this first battle,how are we going to deal with the upcoming ones.
(Dream's pov)

           This is bad.We are just making them stronger.Ink's limbs were torn off and he couldn't draw them back.The murder time trio and Cross has also been terribly injured.I,myself is 
worn out and I think I'm gonna faint.Error is the only one standing here.He is fighting with Hate.And me?With myself ofc.I shot some arrows but it didn't seem to affect him.

Shattered:Huh!*smirks*Is that all you've got?

Dream:Stop this nonsense!You know this is not good!

Shattered:What?You are preaching a sermon to me now?Ha!

Dream:You are me.

Shattered:We are nothing alike boy!Come on!You can't even save your own brother!You can't even make him turn back to normal!!


Shattered:No words?!How pathetic?

(Shattered's pov):Did I just sense him(Nightmare)?

(Dream's pov):Brother?

Shattered:Heh...Look who's calling~Well...see ya later Dream boy*teleports*

Dream:W-wait!*falls down*.........Brother..*faints*

Hate:Wth!Did he just fu*king leave me here?!I don't even need him anyway.

(Shattered's pov)

          I can sense Nightmare from his au so I teleprted there.It doesn't look like mine.It is supposed to look so destroyed.Instead of looking like that it looked so different.It's just like it's being repaired.While I was thinking about my old au,I sense somone closing by behind me.

Nightmare:Look who's here.

Shattered:*turns around*Oh hey Nightmare.Where have you been?You've gone for decades.Thought you were dead.

Nightmare:I was.And now I'm with a born again spirit.

Shattered:Huh! that positivity that I'm sensing from you now?When did you got yourself positive feelings?

Nightmare:*sighs*Let's just cut this polite sh*t and come to the point.Stop this nonsense Shattered!

Shattered:And why should I do that?~

Nightmare:You are one of the monsters
who understand about the balance.

Shattered:Ha!The balance?Do I look like I care about that sh*t.

Nightmare:The multiverse will collapse,Shattered.

Shattered:So?Isn't that our goal?I can't even amagine how much Negativity it will create when it happens.

Nightmare:You are so naive as always.That's the reason why you can't save your brother or yourself.

Shattered:I literally turn him back!

Nightmare:That's how you save your brother?To make him feel all those despire and guilt that he always feel for the rest of his life?To make him see his dear brother turns into a ruthless monster?I'm glad that my brother isn't naive like you.

Shattered:Your brother almost kill you~

Nightmare:I don't know where you heard that but he would never do that and I choose to believe that and still alive.

Shattered:Ha!So halirious!

Nightmare:You know yourself more than I do.So you ought to understand that.And that's why you never kill your brother until now,right?

Shattered:*smirks*You think you can convince me with those little words for yours.

Nightmare:I'm not convincing.I'm reminding you not to forget yourself.

Shattered:You don't know me!

Nightmare:But I know you more than anyone else.And I think you still want a happy life together with your brother

Shattered:Why would I want to spend time with that idiot?!

Nightmare:*sighs*Just temember Dream......Your brother will always love you.And he as well as you wouldn't want to achieve this stupid goal of yours.You know what it's mean when the multiverse collapse?

Nightmare:It means everyone dies.Even you and your beloved brother.


Nightmare:Please consider it again Dream.

Shattered:*frowns*Stop calling me that.My name is Shattered!And Mind your own fu*king business.*turns around*

Nightmare:You can change Dream just like you said before.Just believe.


Nightmare:I hope you understand....


       I am so sorry for publishing late.I was busy these days.And  even when I'm free,I know what to write but didn't know how to write.I just hope that you guys enjoy my story.I will try to make it better.

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