Not alone

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(Error's pov)

I've already discuss the plan with Nightmare.And now it's my turn to pass on to the others so I called everyone to the meeting room at Nightmare's castle.

Blue:What do you want to discuss about,Error?

Error:I think I got a plan to kill that brat?


Ink:You mean Hate?

Error:Of course.

Dream:Is there anything we can do expeat from killing?

Error:I'm just saying Dream.

Blue:We r not killing him,right?

Killer:Does that bastard even deserve to live?

Blue:Of course!All we need to do is to make him come to his senses.

Ink:I'm actually have no offence.Kill himor not Idc.

Dream & Blue:Ink!


Error:*sighs*Can I speak now?

Ink:*smiles*Sure Babe!

Error:So...this is the plan.

(After discussing about the plan for an hour)

Error:U got it?

Cross:Sounds good to me though. might work.

Error:So everyone agree?



Horror:Good...I guess..

Blue:No offense at all!!I'm in!!

Error:And you,Dream?

Dream:Y-yeah...That's great!

(After the meeting)

Ink:Error?Can we talk?


(In Outertale)

(Portal opens)

Nightmare:So u finished telling the others?

Error:*walks out of the portal*Yep!

Nightmare:Good!We will start as soon as possible.I could be able to sense him now since I got my powers back.

Error:Don't you think your brother can also detect you.

Nightmare:I can make it invisable.That's why the stars can't always find us.Don't you think.


Nightmare:Is there anything you wanna tell me?I've to go back.

Error:Your Ccino boy still doesn't know about you?




Error:I feel like I'm missing something.


Error:*smiles*O-oh oh oh!

Nightmare:What's with that face?

Error:Soooooo.....Aren't Killer and you a thing yet?


Error:You know what I'm talking about.

Nightmare:Shut up already!*blushes*

Error:You love him,right?


Error:I know you do...

Nightmare:I guess I can't hide.

Error:So when are you going to tell him.

Nightmare:I was wondering if he would hate me when he knows my identity.

Error:Hate you?Far from it.He has a fu*king crush on you since you're in your goopy form.

Nightmare:....I don't think so.

Error:It's pretty obvious.You know?And I think you should stop thinking that everyone hates you.


Error:*sighs*After defeating that freak,you better come back.You know?Try not to disappear again.Everyone is worried about you.


Error:Yes....everyone.*picks pocket*

Nightmare:Huh....they cared...



Error:I never usually do this but take it.

Nightmare:A chocolate bar?

Error:Yep!This might make you feel better.

Nightmare:Thanks I guess.

Error:I got to go now.


Error:And don't anything stupid?

Nightmare:Excuse me?

Error:I know what you did Nightmare.Don't do that again....Trying to give up on your life is not an option so don't do sh*t.

Nightmare:Of course.

Error:I know that sanses usually don't keep promises.However,since I kept mine.You should as well do me a favour.

Nightmare:A favour.


Nightmare:Ok?What is it exactly?

Error:Promise that you will come back to us.

Nightmare:What do y...

Error:I feel like you're going to disappear again after this sh*t is over.So promise me.


Error:I kept mine!You should,too.If u don't,I'm gonna tell everything about you.

Nightmare:Ok ok!I promise.

Error:That's more like it.

Error:*portal opens*Anyway see ya.Gotta take care of ink.

Nightmare:Ink?Not pj?

Error:Yeah.....about that.Ink is not joining in our plan.

Nightmare:Something happened?

Error:Well...uhh...*blushes*He's pregnant.

Nightmare:Oh my god!Really?Wait...skeleton can get pregnant?And he is a he.

Error:*sighs*A child is bond within the soul Nightmare.

Nightmare:So that's hiw it works.

Error:Yeah....So I'm gonna take my leave now.

Nightmare:Ok then ....See ya..

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