Ch. 20- My Lemybaby has returned

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(Liz's POV)

"Lemybaby!! My Love!!"

I attempted to leap on Lemonhras's back, but I wasn't as limber as I used to be. I crashed into his side. Lemy turned so he was facing me. He rubbed his head against mine with relish.

Luke was staring in astonishment. His face held one of disgust.

"Ew! What is that thing?!"

I threw him a glare.

"Only the love of my life! My beloved partner in crime!"

Lemonhras roared in amusement. He swung his tail in delight. Luke got swept in it and got thrown out of the window. Lemonhras and I saluted his departing form with great remorse.

"RIP my friend."

I bowed my head in respect.

"I'm not dead yeeeet!"

His echoed yells reached us after a loud thump in the distance.

"Wow that was some throw Lemybaby! Good one!"

I gave his paw a high five.

"What do you say we check if he's ok then get some meat?"

Lemy nodded in agreement. I smiled up at his huge round eyes. I could never find him frightening or gross. Lemybaby was my closest friend. Luke or anyone will never sway my view of Lemonhras.

We found Luke with half of his body in view. The bottom half of him was sticking out of a hole. His legs were wiggling in distress. He was bellowing something about his nose and being bitten. His voice was a bit muffled so it was hard to understand him. I called out to him just to make sure.

"Oi! Is your nose in good health?"

The reply was angry hissing.

"Oh shoot! The man is being attacked by snakes."

I grabbed a rope from Lemybaby's nap sack. Yes, Lemybaby is always prepared for everything. I tied one end to Lemy's saddle and the other around the legs of Luke. He uttered a squeak of confusion.

"Alright Lemybaby! Show me your strength! Do it for love! Do it! He's your brother from another mother!"

Lemonhras flew majestically upwards and dragged the noisy little bugger floating behind him. When they had gained enough altitude, Lemy dived so that Luke would rise high above him to hop on his back.

"Hey creature dude, thanks."

Lemy twisted his head 180 degrees to smile back. Luke looked kinda freaked out at first. After he calmed down, he looked really excited.

"Dude! You are so cool!"

Lemy roared in approval.

In their own little happiness, they flew into the moonset, leaving poor Liz to fend for herself.

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