Chapter 14- Fist of doom

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Ziggy's POV:

Oh my scalp stings so much.

I have been staring at Liz for awhile and she has been acting really strange. She and the eel have been narrowing their eyes at each other and Liz keeps looking back at me with a strange glare. I'm so confused. When she refused to bring my buns into the conversation, I was furious.

Why didn't she like my buns?! If my buns were like food, my buns would be juicy. They are like meatballs with extra exotic flavors that make you tingle.

As I was talking to Liz, I farted and it reminded me of the day of my encounter with the shriveled up man.

One day, I was in the jungle on my daily hunt I farted and a shriveled-up-man appeared and bit my leg. It felt like I was getting diabetes. Then the flying goat of nature kicked his face. That poor shriveled up creature... but luckily, a random doctor was walking and saw the shriveled up man getting kicked. Then he grabbed his shotgun and poked it into the shriveled up man's spine. The shriveled up man let go of my leg and bit the doctor on his thunder thigh. Then the doctor got diptheria. Then a police helicopter arrived and arrested the shriveled up man but he bit the police chief. He injected poison into the police chief with his vemonous saliva. It dripped onto the chief's boots and burned a hole through it and fell on the big toe. The toe turned purple and gracefully flew away with the shriveled-up-man on the flying goat of nature. The doctor died and then an avocado fell from a tree he got a black eye with green pus.

The eel stung me. It's so evil and dangerous. It is just like shriveled up man. It should be killed. No doubt about it. I could feel an evil aura eminating from it-almost like a murderous intent. Then the eel was making puppy dog eyes at Liz. It kind of made me angry. I should be the only one she looks at for a long period of time! I strode over to the fishbowl and punched the eel. He deserved it. He was hogging my Liz.

Liz began yelling at me saying that they were about to make a deal about an antidote.

An antidote? Ohhh cool beans. Oooo ooo! Maybe it can be a hair growth syrum! I need it!

I pulled my arm out of the tank and turned to Liz.

"Hey Hon, what were you guys talking about?"

"About restoring your hair, you fool! You totally knocked the eel out and now he can't help you!!"

My anger faltered and my look of horror told her I was sorry. She did a facepalm.

Oh dear, stop hurting yourself babe. It's not healthy.

I turned to the eel.

"Sorry dude, I didn't know."

"Saying sorry won't help Ziggy!"

"Oh, right. I should probably get Luke. I'll see if he knows what to do."

"Please do!"


I ran from the room and raced to the room I placed Luke in. He was laying in his bed reading a book. Really?!

"Luke! Dude!"

Luke raised his head and let out a mighty gaffaw.

"Bahahahaa!! What happened to your hair dude!"

He raised his hand and it felt like warm water was poured over my head.

"Dude what-"

"Wait! This is the best part!"

He held up a mirror and my eyes widened. My hair was sparkling! I screamed like a lady.

"Whaaat? Voodoo magic!!"

"I'm a wizard Ziggy."

"I always knew you were magical!! Oh right, dude, we have to go save that freaky eel dude."

"Oh, so you have already met Sir Reginald Snufflepox?

"Ohhh what a rad name!"

"I know right?"

"So he's the one who damaged my hair bro..."

"Well poop dude, I'll apologize for him."

"It's all g dude."

"Ok cool."

"So we should probably go now. I think he's on the brink of death."

"What?! How'd that happen?"

"Well... I kinda splattered him with my fist dude."

"Ugh you jerkface."

"I know I am, let's just go! Stop talking stupidface!"


We raced out to Mr-what's-his-face-some-fancy-british-name-right? and Luke waved his fingers around and the eel rose into the air and transformed into a human. My eyes nearly popped out of my face. Luke poured some liquid into the guy's mouth. The body jerked and his eyelids fluttered open. He sat up, looked at me, and flew at me like the flying goat of nature in anger. I yelped and tried to run away. He was a fast bugger and took me down. I struggled but to no avail. It was like he had muscles of iron. I lay on the floor like a dead fish. I heard a manly british voice.

"I will have my revenge!"

I felt punches and my face swelling like a pufferfish. By the time he was done, I felt like I was going to die. Luckily Liz stepped in.

"Stop it Reggy or I will have to transform!"

Transform? Into what?

"Stay out of this ducky."

Liz slapped the eel man and pushed him off of me. The eel man looked shocked and covered his cheek with his hand.

"Never! I will never abandon my love!"

Thanks hon. I am gunna give you an awesome hug and cover you with kisses when I'm able to move again.

"Well I will never abandon my love for you! This lame dude is not worthy of you!"


Liz raised her fist. Her overly sexy eyes were full of anger. They changed into a beautiful blue.

Wow! Never thought I'd see that... sweetness.

"You evil-eeled-buttface!"

I heard her bones crack and morph into a cat-like form. She grew gorgeous white and black striped fur. Her eyes glowed and she stood between me and the eel man.

A tiger?? S-she's a-a-a-a shifter!? Woah, even her tiger form is so cute!

I began to have feeling in my body again and I got up and stood beside her. I petted her and she nuzzled me. I knelt and hugged her head.

"Calm down hon. I know he deserves to be pulverized but, I think he's had a rough enough day as it is."

She turned her head at me and growled again. When I started petting her again, she purred. My heart melted. She's so cute I can't even words.


Sup! Sorry it's been so long! I've been bombarded with life. But anyway.... I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! Booyaaaahhh

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