Chapter 12- Burn baby burn

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BEFORE YOU READ THIS CHAPTER, I edited the end of the previous chapter so it would make sense. Thank you! :)

Ziggy's POV:

"Your face is ridiculous!"

My smile turned upsidedown as I stood appauled at her fury. I didn't know what to do... I thought that she was joking... she didn't have to blow up at me. My heart clenched. I placed my hand over it. It hurt. Guilt was starting to flood me.

I guess I went overboard with the teasing... but still.. talking fish?

I wanted to go apologize for making her so upset. Walked to where she fled, but when I heard her singing, I figured she was ok. Still confused, I decided to investigate this fish or whatever it was that she said could talk. I normally wouldn't care, but she sounded so earnest.

Here goes nothing.

A red-eyed bunny and a monkey jumped across my path.

Luke! Dude! You never told me you had animals!! I'm offended...

Luckily they were headed for the room with the fish tank so i just followed them.

As I entered the room, the lights flickered.

Ok... Well this isn't creepy at all.

I moved towards the tank. It had an eerie presence.

It didn't feel like this befor- oh hello unconscious dude! I didn't know you were still here.

Foam was streaming out of his mouth.

What on earth happened to him?

I attempted to step over him and just walk away, but I failed. My big feet ran into his nose and I tripped.

That poor, abused nose. Sorry dude.

The crazy-looking guy moved and his eyes fluttered open. I yelled in shock and punched his face.  The guy's limbs spazzed, he grunted and passed out again. I had no time for this guy. I needed to find out what was up with the eel thing. I inspected the tank.

Ok, so-called-magical-eel, where are you?

I began to tap the fish tank and yell maniatically. Some light flashed and zapped my hand. The tingling sensation spread to my throat. I yelped in surprise.

"You doth magical eel! I demand you showeth yourself lest ye be an ingorant fool! What? Why is mine voice cometh outeth liketh thiseth? Curses!"

The eel came out.

"Ahaa! So thou are real! Speaketh foul beast!"

The eel stuck his tongue at me. I was already upset that Liz was angry with me, so this taunting didn't help my mentality.

"You dare stick your tongue at me, you rogue!!"

Feeling rebelious and hot-tempered, I punched the glass, obviously forgetting that it already had zapped me.  The glass electricuted me once again.

Shooteth, I forgoteth!

My fist got thrown at me, which resulted me recieving a black eye from myself. Happy birthday me! Lol jk. Then the eel decided to jump out and sprout human arms. I gasped and fell backwards. 

Arms! Why? How!?!

It perched on the edge of the tank wall like a bird. One hand was lifted and it pointed at me. If I wasn't so wierded out, I would have founded this creature hilarious. I didn't know how to respond to this so I just froze. My eyes probably looked like a frog's.

Ewwweth! How creepyeth!!

The pointer finger of the eel oozed out yellow goop.

Ugheth! It lookeths like snot!

The liquified booger-like ooze slide right for me. I backed up crab-style as fast as I could. It was faster. It started to crawl up my legs. It felt like silly putty. Curious, I poked it. It continued to crawl up to my head.

Dudeth! This feels like a massageth!

When I reached my hair, it exploded like pop rocks. I flinched. I ran to a mirror. I almost died. Patches of my hair was missing and it was spiked and my face had soot on it. Smoke was slowly rising from my head.  Freaked out, I ran to find Liz. I banged on the door. I heard Liz.

"Go away!"


"Babeth can I talketh to thou?"


"Never you meanie!"

I was feeling frantic.

"I'm sorryeth! I believeth in thou! I really doeth! Open upeth!"

The door opened. One look at me and she was literally laughing and rolling on the floor.

Jeezeth... haveth pitieth...


Hey guys! If you liked it vote/comment! and if you didn't see my message in the beginning, I changed the end of the previous chapter so it would make more sense. :D Vote/comment if you like it :) Thanks for reading!

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