Chapter 2- Suprises and Convulsions

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Hey guys! Here is chapter 2!


After the flashback, I came back to reality. I refocused my eyes and let out an almighty squeak that shook me to my toenails. Ziggy's face was twelve inches away from my own. I dramatically looked away and lashed my fist out, which conveniently connected to his nose.

"Uggghhghh!" he grunted.

Oh my... even in pain, he sounds so manly... I gotta stop thinking like this!! I have to find a way to escape...

I quickly scanned the room... or should I say cell. 

Where am I? This place will probably look awfu-oh I take that back!

I was quite shocked to see that even though it felt like a typical cell touchwise (as in I was on a slab stone), the sightwise part was indeed shocking.

I was in a very interesting room. The walls had strips of furry white and black striped carpets hanging down. I think they were superglued on. It was unfortunate that I had hit my head on the part that wasn't carpeted. Irritation flowed through me as my head kept on throbbing with pain.

Curse it all!

It looked like a room from a catalog. The bed had gorgeous red covers and pillows with black elaborate designs on them. The floors were made out of smoothed out rock, but there were fluffy carpets in the center. It matched the walls. I didn't know about it because I had my back to a wall where there was no fluffiness to feel. It made me want to nap in the center and never wake up. Indeed, I felt like I needed a nap. I yawned, crawled to a very furry spot for comfort and stretched out. Might as well at least try to relax now that Ziggy won't let me out of his sight. His eyes narrowed.

"That's right, get nice and comfortable 'cause you will be here for a long time."

Oh I will. It sounds too good to be true but, nap time!!

I sighed at the softness of the carpet and relaxed my muscles.

"How long will you be here for Ziggy?"

He stared at the ceiling with great distaste. My eyes followed his and gasped. The whole ceiling was painted with cows and pigs.

MMM milk and bacon. Omg, I'm so hungry.

Ziggy sighed. 

"Well seeing that I'm the only one here, I-"

His face drew a blank as if something shocked him. He fluttered his eyes and his pupils dialated. He shook his head violently and his eyes went to that hazy look again.

I looked curiously at him, confused. I tried again.

"Hey Ziggy I-"

He jerked back and held his head in his hands with a pained expression on his face.

"Ziggy are you ok?"

His eyes rolled back and he fell to his knees.

Oh poo.

I rushed to his side and tried to steady him.

"Ziggy! Get ahold of yourself!"

He flopped backwards like a newly caught fish and I struggled to keep him secure. I carefully- or I tried to carefully drag him over to one of the carpets and laid him down on it. He looked so pitiful right now. Even though I felt sorry for him, I felt tempted to mess with him.

Don't worry Ziggy, I will be merciful.

I placed his head on my lap and took out a marker from my hoodie pocket. I started to draw hearts and happy faces on his cheeks. On his forehead, I wrote, "I love Liz." I burst out laughing, accidentally spitting on him in the process. I turned him over and rubbed his face on the carpet to try to get my spit off. I admit, I was having a blast. He is just so fun to tease. I looked around again.

Dang!! This room is so fashionable.... too fashionable... especially with the dairy and bacon theme... I wonder...

My thoughts were interrupted when Ziggy groaned in his sleep.

D'awwwww he's dreaming. How cute is that? So cute!

I gently removed his head from my knees and I arose to take one of the other carpets in the room. I wrapped up Ziggy in his carpet like a burrito. I did the same with mine. I dubbed myself The Baby Burrito.

Haha, I crack myself up.

I rolled next to Ziggy and giggled to myself what we must look like. I stopped and stayed still. I heard the door open and a clicking of heels coming this way. I peeked over Ziggy and immediately buried my face in his back.

Oh sweet mother of pearl!!

She found me.


I admit I enjoyed writing this chapter. I hope you all like it too :) Please comment! I might make a Ziggy POV. What do u think? :D Vote/comment if you like it :)

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