Chapter 11- Dat cat

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I have time today to write yeshhh XD happiness


Liz's POV:

What ever you do, keeping playing dead ducky.

Ok Uncle Reggy, who is it?

He looks quite the fearsome fellow. How the bloody frinkin frack did he get in? He has a revolver. Is that a teargas bomb? Bloody ass! He's leaning over you!! Are you able to fight?

Heck yes!

That's jolly good my niece! Ok, on my signal, punch over your head full blast!! Then morph into your animal!

Oki doki! Hey! How did you know?!?

Now's not the time for explanations! Just do it!

My head was swirling with nervousness. Even though I can throw a mean punch, I was still a bit apprehensive about my current situation. I was so scared that I had no idea what was going on. I felt lucky that Uncle Reggy was with me. I was sure that he was watching the mystery person's every move. Even though we only met today, I already felt a bond with the eel.

Uncle Reggy!! Can I do it now?

Not yet. He's not close enough. Wait for it...

My fist wanted some fighting action. It wanted it now. I felt my tiger canines grow longer. It's been so long since I transformed. I should really practice more often. I was able to transform my canines. I also felt my eyes turn stronger. My electric blue cat eyes were back!

Dude! Tell him to come closer already! My hand is starting to twitch!

My dear ducky! Calm yourself! He's now looking at you with a weird look on his face! .... Ok!! Nooww!! blow him up!

My fist flew up in the air. It connected with the fleshiness of the skin. I heard a crack of cartilage and deep groan of pain.

Ahaaa I got his nose! Yes!

I opened my eyes and sprung back into fighting stance. My opponent did look quite fearsome. He had a scar going down his left eye and a newly bloody nose. He was muscular and a tan. He did have a great sense of fashion though. He was dressed in a suit. He actually looked fairly attractive. He held...

Uncle Reggy.. I think you forgot to mention something.

The dude took a swing at me with a large object. I squeaked and jumped back.

What's that ducky?

He has a fricken bat with spikes on it! How could you fail to mention that??

I jumped on a chair, which was next to a wardrobe. I hoisted myself on top and peered down. The monstrous man was apparently confused because he was looking around the room like an idiot. I giggled and he spun his head towards me. Curses...


I didn't see... He must have been holding it behind him!

Well poop. So you managed to see a teargas bomb but not that?? Ughghgh... ok, here we go.

I concentrated and started to grow fur on my body. This time I managed to tranform my whole body instead of just my teeth. Oh yeah, I felt like a boss. I spotted my reflection in the mirror across from me. My hazel eyes turned to electric blue and my snowy white fur shone in the light. I looked so badass. I wagged my tail happily.

Awesome! Look Uncle Reggy I did it!

You go girl! Now go do your thing!

You got it!

I magnificently leaped on top of the guy and knocked him to the floor. His huge body fell quite easily much to my surprise.

Dude! My cat form is so strong!!  Heh, so much for his strength.

Ducky! Don't be cocky just yet! He's still conscious!


I rammed my head into his nose. I heard another crack.

Hehe. I got 'im!

Good job ducky! Now sit on him wait a second.

I did as he bid and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets with what I witnessed next. Uncle Reggy jumped out of his aquarium and was hid in cloudy mist. When it cleared, there was a gorgeous man in his place. I gaped.

Uncle Reggy!? You're a man!?! Whathdh kdjfdksjfl kdjflsjflskfjasidfjsk!!

"Shut your jaws ducky! You look like a tiger that got high! I will finish this!"

He whipped a wand out and incanted some jibberish that I didn't understand and jumped into the tank. In mid-air he transformed back into an eel. I gaped again as he contentedly swam in circles.

I phased back into a human after I checked to see if the muscleman was still knocked out. I rubbed my temples. I stood up, but stumbled when I tried walking. I just couldn't function properly anymore.

After a minute passed, I shook my head and raced to Reggy's tank. He had retreated in a little cave. I didn't care what the sign said, I tapped that glass. I yelled at him through the glass.

"Uncle Reggy!! Please tell me what's going on?! I need to know!! Reggy! Reginald! Uncle Reggy! Stop ignoring me!!"

"Why are you yelling at the fish babe? Holy crap! Who's the bloody-nose guy on the floor?!"

I whipped around and ran to Ziggy. I jumped in his arms and began to cry. This was all too much excitement and confusion for me.  Ziggy rubbed my back and sang to me softly.

"It's ok babe, I'm here. It's ok, no need to feeear."

"Some random dude with weapons attacked meeee."

"Is that him? I would totally kick his ass if he wasn't already unconscious!!"

"Thanks Ziggy~ It's the thought that counts."

He tightened his grip on me just enough to not hurt me. I felt safe again and snuggled in his arms.

"So are you gunna tell me why you were yelling at the fish tank?"

"Yeah, well you see..."

I filled Ziggy on what was going on and his facial expression did a number of changes. It was really funny and cute.

"There's a magical eel in there? That's cool."

"Yea!! His name is Reginald Snufflepox! I dubbed him Reggy! Then somehow I ended up calling him my uncle cause we're tight! Why are you looking at me like I'm crazy? I'm not I tell you!!"

"Haha slow down babe. I believe you."

"You do not!"

"Well it sounds kind of rediculous babe sorry."

I looked at him angrily and pushed him away. He kept on laughing.


"Your face is ridiculous!!"

I ran out of the room and locked myself in the bathroom. 

Ziggy your so stupid!! How could you! I hate you! I hate your face! You jerk! Stop laughing at me...

My eyes stung with tears and I blew my nose with tissue.

Lucky I'm in a bathroom. All the tissue!!

In an attempt to distract myself, I decided to decorate the bathroom with bows made out of toilet paper. Then I proceeded to drape the toilet paper over the shower like streamers.

Oh yea! I'm a genius!!

I got "We Will Rock You" by Queen stuck in my head and I began to dance around and scattering the whole bathroom with my decorations. It was beautiful!

There was a knock at the door. I ignore it and continued to dance. It kept knocking.

"Go away!"

"Babeth can I talketh to thou?"

"Never you meanie!"

"I'm sorryeth! I believeth in thou! I really doeth! Open upeth!"

Why is he speaking horrible shakespearean language?

I stopped dancing and slowly opened the door. When I saw the state Ziggy was in, I laughed until I cried.


What state was Ziggy in? Stay tuned. :)   :D Vote/comment if you like it :) Thanks for reading!

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