Chapter 21- Lemy why?

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I added to the last chapter after I uploaded it because for some reason, my work didn't save properly and so I tried to just upload and add after. So for any curious people can check out the last chapter again. cheee!


(Liz's POV)

"Don't leave me lemybaby!!"

I stretched out my hand to the disappearing duo in the sky.

Stupid Lemybaby!

Sighing, I sat on the grass and started ripping to calm my temper. I was getting lost in my thoughts about Lemy. I growled angrily.

If you were coming all the way to see me, why did you leave so quickly...? I hate you Lemybaby!  .....Just kidding. I love you to death.

I wandered back to Luke's house to see if they had gone back. I was meaning to give both men (well one's a male creature anyhow) a piece of my mind. 

Since it was getting dark, I couldn't see very well.

Welp, I guess it's time.

I shivered in the cool breeze and began to shift with great gusto. While I love Lemy to death, I love running on my own as well. I need to be alone for a while at least once a day or else I go cray cray.  

After shifting into my tigress form, I raced into the woods, glad to stretch my legs properly.  I found a bodacious patch of soft grass in a small clearing. I lay down (as cats do) and rest my furry chin on my paw. I'm lulled by the whispery voices of the fae. 

All creatures ye hear us and sway and sway

Let sleep befall you so we sway and sway

Sway... sway.. sway...

I yawned, eyelids drooping with sleepiness. My great need of sleep was interrupted by a loud gun shot.

It ain't hunting season you foos.  

It seemed that time had stopped as I darted up a tree and peered down through the leaves. Luckily the branch I was on was really thick so it hid me well. Two men with guns were creeping towards my location.

Dang, of all places and of all times, they had to come when I wanted peace and soothing music.

My ears perked up as I heard rough voices. 

"Do you know what the girl looks like?"

The owner of this voice looked like he was out of a "Home Alone" movie. He was one of those guys who tried to look evil but wasn't pulling it off well. I could tell that he naturally had a pleasant voice, but he was trying hard to make it hoarse.

What a pity, he could have had so much potential as a singer.

"Yeah, I have her picture right here."

By the time the other had said that, they stopped right under my tree. The man took out his phone and held it up. Looking down, I tried not to gasp as I was staring at my own face.

What's going on? Gasp! Did my aunty send them after me? Do they know of my other form I wonder? It's highly possible since they have guns... oh, duh, they totally know... crap. Right, when I get back to my human form, I'll need to start disguising myself when I go out. Pompadour? Afro? 80's style sunglasses? Would that stick out too much?

I held my breath in anticipation as the men stared around in the forest.

How on earth did they know I was here?

"So, if we're looking for a girl, why do we need these?"

The short one held up his gun. I had to direct my ears downwards in order to hear the next sentence.

"Because.. she is a werecat."

I am more than a werecat! I am uno tigre! Alias, Madam Tigre, alias, Miss Awesome Pants, but without pants... Miss Pantsless (but only in my cat form)!

I pumped my furry fist in jubilee. However, in my excitement of discovering my new and bodacious alias, I lost track of the two men 'cause when I looked back down, they had disappeared.


I felt a pain on the side of my head and I almost fainted, which resulted in falling out of the tree.

What the heck... I'm not dead? Oh, they probably had bibi guns. Cool.  Oh gosh! They saw me!  At least I landed on my feet so I can...

Without looking back, I raced as fast as I could to the other side. I never got a glimpse of the other man so I regretted somewhat of not looking back. All I know is that he was around 6 ft tall.

Oh, great. Now I'll have a phobia of all tall men... way to go my dear aunty...

Luckily, I made it back to the house without any sign of the two men behind me. I had to go the long way, weaving through the trees and going in random directions at first, but I lost them when I leaped over a large tree, which was cut down and turned to the right. By the time the two men had gotten to the log, I was well out of sight.

Aw yeah, who's the fastest of them all? This cat woman!

I ran behind the house and morphed back to my human form. I picked up a random plastic bag which was laying against the house, ripped holes in it and threw it over myself. I lunged up against the wall of the house and ninja'ed my way up to the second story window, which was oh-my-goodness-I-thank-the-high-heavens, was open for business. How did I complete such a feat? Why with parkour of course. Luckily, I had been training in secret at night since the age of 10 so it is safe to say that I am now an expert.  Why didn't I just parkour in cat form? Because I didn't want to get my claw marks on his walls.  Aren't I a gentlewoman?

I was too tired to know which room I came in from. It was empty so I gave it no mind. I made my way to the bathroom to wash up. After I bathed, I went back to the room and flopped on the bed with great relief and drifted off to dreamworld.


Hey guys, I know I disappeared for awhile (*cough cough* I mean for ages), but I'm back! I've been going through major life changes so I've been highly distracted to the max and highly forgetful the more I age. Please don't be mad. There there :)

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