Chapter 18- Jealous of Lemonhras much?

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Hey guys! Enjoy XD


(Liz's POV):

"What have you done to my beloved Liz? I oughta kill you for this, you daft as a bush maggot!"

We arrived back at Luke's house to only be apprehended by Uncle Reggy. He started to yell at Ziggy, producing a ton of bubbles in the process as soon as he saw my bloody arm. Ziggy didn't appear to appreciate the eel's tone and the content. He roared back.

"What?! How dare you!!"

Liz held on to Ziggy's arm to hold him back. He was snarling at the eel with a hint of red in his eyes. Uncle Reggy leaped out of his watery home and transformed into his human form. His silky silvery hair fluttered in the breeze. When I say breeze, I mean air wafting by ceiling fan.

"Calm down Uncle Reggy! It wasn't Ziggy's fault! I had a mosquito bite. I asked him to ich it for me. He did. All of the sudden. Bam. Blood."

"You didn't know this would happen? I thought you were smarter than that deary."

I heard a growl coming from Ziggy. I guess didn't like the fact that another man was calling me deary?

Aww, Ziggy baby. Some-bo-dy's je-lly! Some-bo-dy's je-lly! Some-bo-dy's je-lly! Some-bo-dy's je-lly!

I should have said that out loud to annoy him, but I decided he was already getting enough beef from the Reg Meister. 

Ohhh. That's a good nick name, the Reg Meister.

Ziggy looked irrated, mumbled about wanting something to eat, and walked out of the room.

Ziggy baby! Wait! What about me?!

"ZIggy wait!"

I turned to Uncle Reggy. It was obvious that he was distracted by arguing with Ziggy to remember that my arm was hurt. I knocked on his forehead.  I made a hollow sound effect.

"Earth to Uncle Reg! Yo! Reg Meister! Do you think you can heal my arm?"

Uncle Reggy shifted his attention to me at my poking.  He chuckled and patted my head. Growls from Ziggy followed, but he ignored them.

"Reg Meiser? Now that's one I haven't heard before. Dude.  I like it. It makes me sound cool."

"But you are cool dude!"

Reg smiled and hovered his hand over my arm. It started to give off a warm greenish glow. I felt sleepy and yawned.   When the spell was complete, the Reg Meister swept me up in a monster hug. I gasped for air. I probably looked like a fish out of the water. I tried struggling, but Reg was pretty strong.

He probably pumps iron in his free time.... when he isn't being an eel... the adventures of a buff eel... haha... oh gosh... can't breathe...

I let out a squeaky puff of the air I had left to try to gain his attention.  I started to black out.

"Oh dang, I'm sorry ducky."

I felt his grip loosen and I collapsed. He caught my fall and sat down with me. My eyes were still closed.  I felt his anxious fingers on my neck.  I heard a breath of relief.

Relax man, I'm not dead yet. I still have a vaseline creature to find. Speaking of creature... I hope Lemonhras is ok... I can't believe I haven't thought of him in so long! I suck as an owner...

My heart started to hurt. My absent mindedness can be a curse sometimes... well most... nah, always! I struggled to get up and shot out of Reggy's lap. I didn't make it very far. Reggy's hand grabbed mine and pulled me towards him.  I leaned away from him and stretched my arm out in no particular direction.

"Lemy! I'm coming for you hunny!"

Reggy became angry, slammed me (gently) into the wall, and stared into my eyes.

"What! Who is this Lemy?! Who is he to you?! Why do you call him hunny?! I need details woman!"

I laughed at the desperation in his voice.

My adorable giant flying lemur...

I grinned to myself and to irritate Reggy further, I sighed dramatically, created a dreamy-like look on my face, stared into space and sighed again.

"He is the most handsomest creature on this planet!"

I snuck a peek at Reggy and nearly burst out laughing. His head was raised and slightly tilted to one side and the shape of his mouth was the funniest frown I have ever seen. It looked like the happiest smily face upsidedown. 

"I'll kill him! How dare he steal your affections like that! Where's my sludge hammar?"

I heard Luke's faint voice calling.

"I think it's in the kitchen!"

Where has he been?

Reggy let go of me and stormed out of the room. When he shut the door behind him, I let my laughter loose. I rolled to the floor and giggled so much that my stomach started hurting.  When I couldn't tolerate the pain anymore, I started crying.  It was a mixture of a laugh cry. Pretty soon I began to bawl out tears.  I felt arms around me.

"Who did this to you?!"

I turned around. I was staring at Luke.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed! :) Vote and comments would be nice ^_^ but only if you wanna. I'm not trying to force y'all but it would be nice to get some feedback. :3

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